[TIP] ★ Recommended Software ★

better do search before try some these ,ie

Let's see here 9 reviews, 91K+ downloads. Two bad reviews one by someone who probably shouldn't have used the software, and another giving a warning, I'm not sure I'd be touting the do not use. And you might want to use a spell and grammar check, bad English.

I have used this software and it very good at what it does. As with any software of this type it should only be used by someone who knows what they are doing. If you don't have an intiricate understanding of how the operating system works you probably shouldn't be using a piece of software that works at the foundational level.
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i keep my support tools & common drivers very similar to you but i keep mine on 32gb usb flash drive. whenever i do a os install add certain things like codecs, avast, malwarebytes, 7zip, flash, .net framework, latest IE, chrome etc

i grab updates from filehippo every couple of months.
You are fantastic. When I was teaching school, I used to provide lists like this to my teachers. Sharing is caring. Thank you!
Just updated the entire list!

It's been nearly 3 years since the last update, so it was long overdue. Did a lot of formatting changes to make it more organized and easier to read/use, redid all the links, and removed and added programs.

Please tell us any programs you recommend yourself that are not in the list!

I'm a big fan of SDI (snappy driver installer.) Has found missing drivers when I had no other recourse. Very user friendly and is still current as of maybe last month.