Youtube Autoplay


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Adelaide, Australia
One of the most annoying things about Youtube is the "Autoplay " feature.
Its a PITA having to flip the switch on the window because I always forget.
Google must have recently done something to stop my browser extension from stopping Autoplay.
I've just tried 3 other extensions that purport to stop Autoplay but alas; they dont.
I've been through all the settings on my Google account (scared actually at what they collect) but can see nothing about disabling Autoplay.

Does anyone know of a way to permanently disable Autoplay?

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One of the most annoying things about Youtube is the "Autoplay " feature.
Its a PITA having to flip the switch on the window because I always forget.
Google must have recently done something to stop my browser extension from stopping Autoplay.
I've just tried 3 other extensions that purport to stop Autoplay but alas; they dont.
I've been through all the settings on my Google account (scared actually at what they collect) but can see nothing about disabling Autoplay.

Does anyone know of a way to permanently disable Autoplay?

there's a little slider button on the bottom right of the YT screen next to the subtitles button, settings button....
Yes, thanks.
I mentioned that it was a PITA in my post above and while it works for the current session - as soon as I close the current Youtube window and reopen it Autoplay is set to on.
Thank you.
This one and 2 others are what I've tried but none seem to work now.
The one I was using (for the last year at least) is called "Autoplay No More."
It worked perfectly on all my PC's, Linux and Windows, (all have Opera), but all stopped a couple of days ago.

Add: Ever since the "Autoplay" button was moved from the top right to the playing window.
For me, autoplay stays off. It could be ublock origin, Malwarebytes Browser Guard, or being signed in all the time.
Firefox always.

Suspect the Malwarebytes Browser Guard. I use uBlock Origin and am signed in virtually all the time, and without the add-on I mentioned I still have YouTube AutoPlay Next functionality whether I want it or not.
Thank you.
This one and 2 others are what I've tried but none seem to work now.
The one I was using (for the last year at least) is called "Autoplay No More."
It worked perfectly on all my PC's, Linux and Windows, (all have Opera), but all stopped a couple of days ago.

Add: Ever since the "Autoplay" button was moved from the top right to the playing window.
I know they changed all that stuff recently (and I'm sure they will do so again soon). It seems if you're signed in when you switch it off, it will remember that setting.
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So it appears that browser extensions are somehow disabled.
I've tried several which all fail.
The only thing I can do is to remember to flick the Autoplay switch off whenever I open YouTube. :mad:
Just curious if you're talking about Chrome and if you may have the "Managed by your organization" item at the bottom of the menu?
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No, I'm not talking about Chrome.
I use Opera exclusively and no, I dont have that option turned on. (I dont think it exists in Opera anyway?)
I finally found an extension thats blocks Autoplay on Youtube.

It's called "Stop Autoplay Next For Youtube."

It works as expected. :)
Uh, that's exactly what I recommended, and gave the link to, back on March 4th in post #6. Just sayin'.
Well, dont I look silly right now.
I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time you posted that. Maybe I thought it was one I had already tried?
Maybe I missed the post altogether?

However, a belated thank you for your recommendation. :)