Surgery Day


Well-Known Member
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Melbourne, Australia
Well finally had my Umbilical Hernia removed this morning, booked for 7am. Admitted in at 7:30am, op done at 8am.
Damn I love living in Australia, as our health system is so amazing. The crew did an amazing job, I had only been on the elective surgery for 8 months so that is pretty good. So no heavy lifting for six weeks, so looks like I will have to lay off the weights and boxing bag for my upcoming fight with Hasbulla for a while. Am taking two weeks off any Field Work, though just focus on remote services or they bring devices to me. As soon as I got home I had a booking for an issue, doing it on Monday.

I had an absolute chaotic weekend, a clients website had a critical error and were very frustrated as was I as I had a backload of work to get out before today. Ended up taking about four hours to fix. Was a corrupted SQL DB and they had too many backups on the system, as I tried to restore a backup it errored due to space issue. So cpaneld in and removed all backups, I used a local backup I made only recently and restored via FTP from there after successfully removing the space hoarding. The site has also been hit with a BruteForce attempt for about two weeks now, that was not the issue though as checked logs and user in DB and nothing had changed. They attacker is using a VPN as the hits are coming from everywhere. I have a lot of security on the site and a 24CHAR pass, using 2FA as well and Wordfence.

So now high on pain killers and chilling out playing PS4 Red Dead Redemption 1. So after I recover am going to concentrate on my physical and mental health as have had a few major issues in life for a few years now.

-Cheers All-
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Well finally had my Umbilical Hernia removed this morning, booked for 7am. Admitted in at 7:30am, op done at 8am.
Damn I love living in Australia, as our health system is so amazing. The crew did an amazing job, I had only been on the elective surgery for 8 months so that is pretty good. So no heavy lifting for six weeks, so looks like I will have to lay off the weights and boxing bag for my upcoming fight with Hasbulla for a while. Am taking two weeks off any Field Work, though just focus on remote services or they bring devices to me. As soon as I got home I had a booking for an issue, doing it on Monday.

I had an absolute chaotic weekend, a clients website had a critical error and were very frustrated as was I as I had a backload of work to get out before today. Ended up taking about four hours to fix. Was a corrupted SQL DB and they had too many backups on the system, as I tried to restore a backup it errored due to space issue. So cpaneld in and removed all backups, I used a local backup I made only recently and restored via FTP from there after successfully removing the space hoarding. The site has also been hit with a BruteForce attempt for about two weeks now, that was not the issue though as checked logs and user in DB and nothing had changed. They attacker is using a VPN as the hits are coming from everywhere. I have a lot of security on the site and a 24CHAR pass, using 2FA as well and Wordfence.

So now high on pain killers and chilling out playing PS4 Red Dead Redemption 1. So after I recover am going to concentrate on my physical and mental health as have had a few major issues in life for a few years now.

-Cheers All-
Get well mate!
Nice to see you kicking around already 👍🏽
I guess I don't understand the 8 month time frame down there? A week ago last Wednesday a had a biopsy (from the week before) come back as melanoma. (Blond, freckled and fried to a crisp by the sun many times in my younger years.) A week ago Friday was the consultation with the surgeon. Last Wednesday was surgery including imaging with radioactive lymph node tracing and removal. In at 8:00 and out at 3:00. They game me Percocet (hydrocodone) for the pain but the anti-nausea patch (Scopolamine) fell off the next day and the dizziness and nausea made me quit taking the Percocet. The 12" C-shaped incision was no big deal but the lymph node removal under my left arm is what hurt so much. Waiting for the lab results to see if it spread.

Glad you are doing well @frase . I'm glad I don't have all my old work duties to contend with through this. I wanted to play a bit more TF2 but the motion sickness/nausea wouldn't let me.
I guess I don't understand the 8 month time frame down there?

Common in many healthcare systems that are government run for elective surgeries, as opposed to non-elective (removals of cancer, other life-threatening issues) procedures.

We have the same thing here, but people don't seem to "get that." A for instance, I tried to book an appointment with an opthamologist for a long overdue well check on my eyes. Started looking for appointments around the beginning of the year. My preferred guy is booked through to 2025 and the second choice through nearly the end of 2024. When a new person came on board, the first appointment I could get (and took) with her is for July of this year.

Things that have got to happen have always taken precedence over those that need to happen, but no one's likely to die (or lose their vision) because of a wait. There is a limited supply of doctors and facilities of all types and the line forms at the rear (whether that's acknowledged by most consumers of healthcare in America or not).
for elective surgeries

My surgeon did plastic and reconstructive surgeries. Electives (scar removal, breast reduction, etc.) were out 3-4 weeks. Obviously he moved me to the front of the list and it was three working days later. Very impressed by how quickly and smoothly it all happened from the time I sent a text with picture to my dermatologist to home again playing some TF2 (heh).
My surgeon did plastic and reconstructive surgeries. Electives (scar removal, breast reduction, etc.) were out 3-4 weeks. Obviously he moved me to the front of the list and it was three working days later. Very impressed by how quickly and smoothly it all happened from the time I sent a text with picture to my dermatologist to home again playing some TF2 (heh).

Well, that definitely happens sometimes, and the "easier" the surgery the more likely it is to be scheduled quickly as it can be "squeezed in" when cancellations occur, and they do. There are also times where a surgeon is "looking to fill the schedule" because either patients are not available (common during the summer months and around holidays) or they cancel very close to their scheduled time.

All I'm saying is that there is a general sense of unreality among patients in the USA that everything and anything will be handled almost immediately and on-demand. That's the exception, not the rule. Even my knee replacement surgery had to be scheduled months in advance.
I guess I don't understand the 8 month time frame down there? A week ago last Wednesday a had a biopsy (from the week before) come back as melanoma. (Blond, freckled and fried to a crisp by the sun many times in my younger years.) A week ago Friday was the consultation with the surgeon. Last Wednesday was surgery including imaging with radioactive lymph node tracing and removal. In at 8:00 and out at 3:00. They game me Percocet (hydrocodone) for the pain but the anti-nausea patch (Scopolamine) fell off the next day and the dizziness and nausea made me quit taking the Percocet. The 12" C-shaped incision was no big deal but the lymph node removal under my left arm is what hurt so much. Waiting for the lab results to see if it spread.

Glad you are doing well @frase . I'm glad I don't have all my old work duties to contend with through this. I wanted to play a bit more TF2 but the motion sickness/nausea wouldn't let me.
Thanks, this was elective surgery, not as urgent as in your case. The silly government here when covid was about they wento insane lockdowns. This caused a major backlog which is just recovering now. I wish you all the best and hope that it is benign. I am using this time to get some more PS4 Red Dead Redemption 1 time in bed with my cat. Take care.
Common in many healthcare systems that are government run for elective surgeries, as opposed to non-elective (removals of cancer, other life-threatening issues) procedures.

We have the same thing here, but people don't seem to "get that." A for instance, I tried to book an appointment with an opthamologist for a long overdue well check on my eyes. Started looking for appointments around the beginning of the year. My preferred guy is booked through to 2025 and the second choice through nearly the end of 2024. When a new person came on board, the first appointment I could get (and took) with her is for July of this year.

Things that have got to happen have always taken precedence over those that need to happen, but no one's likely to die (or lose their vision) because of a wait. There is a limited supply of doctors and facilities of all types and the line forms at the rear (whether that's acknowledged by most consumers of healthcare in America or not).
The last few years of my Dad's life paid an additional monthly access charge, some 300-400, to get "immediate" access to his GP and other specialists. Otherwise he could wait weeks. And this was with a Cadillac HC plan.

Several years ago I noticed I had a small growth in right jaw, kind of near where a salivary gland is, but no pain. Because I was not a regular consumer of medical products and services it was 6 weeks to just a get a basic physical exam. They won't touch you without that being done first. Fortunately the biopsy was only a week or two later and came up negative but was still some 4 weeks later.
They attacker is using a VPN as the hits are coming from everywhere.
That actually sounds like they might be running it out of a TOR instance. You can rotate your exit nodes as well as route all traffic over TOR.
One more data point, this time from the People's Socialist Republic of New Zealand: If I need an appointment with any GP at my practice I can get it today. If I'd like it to be with my preferred physician I might have to wait until tomorrow or (unusually) the day after. If I need to wait any longer than that it's because he's on holiday or paternity leave, which can be anything up to a couple of months each year.
It also comes down to supply and demand, no matter where you live.

The higher the demand for healthcare services, the longer wait times will be for elective stuff (not just surgeries).

The thing that offends me, and terribly, is that most family medicine practices no longer hold open several appointments per day for "emergencies." There are a great many people who do not call the doctor unless they need to see him or her, promptly, because they've suddenly become sick. It's always better to have continuity of care from your on family medicine physician, but most often these days you get a response along the lines of, "I only have an opening next Thursday." If I were sick next Thursday, and could schedule that, this would be fine, but I can't. I also hate going to "doc in a box" as my partner calls the freestanding "urgent/emergency care" centers.

For decades, if I called my GP's office when I was suddenly, violently ill then I'd routinely be scheduled same day. It's been ages since I could count on this, particularly after my GP closed his private practice and joined one affiliated with a hospital system.
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One more data point, this time from the People's Socialist Republic of New Zealand: If I need an appointment with any GP at my practice I can get it today. If I'd like it to be with my preferred physician I might have to wait until tomorrow or (unusually) the day after. If I need to wait any longer than that it's because he's on holiday or paternity leave, which can be anything up to a couple of months each year.
Love that PSRNZ.

Good, now you can come to the US and visit finally! I'm sure that was a huge hurdle, takes so long to get these little naggy things taken care of. I have knee surgery coming this fall and the other knee in a year, woo hoo! Getting old is fun!
Good, now you can come to the US and visit finally! I'm sure that was a huge hurdle, takes so long to get these little naggy things taken care of. I have knee surgery coming this fall and the other knee in a year, woo hoo! Getting old is fun!
Amen to that Lisa, I'm falling apart man, last year Webster B Fracture Ankle then Hernia. I am awaiting some Tyrell Corp Eye Augmentations now lol.
