[SOLVED] Sage 50 Accounts + Windows 10 Update.

Kitten Kong

Staff member
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Manchester UK
Sage 50 v23 and Windows 10 updates causing issues yet again.

My engineering clients just rang, to say that they couldn't gain access to Sage on either of their machines nor on the server itself. It was working fine this morning.

'Sage Accounts Data Service - 'Unable to connect to Sage Data Service on machine [computer name]' or 'Data service unavailable on this machine'

Was the error.

Simple enough fix.
One of the sage services was turned off.
So turned them all on again, restarted Sage, and hey presto.

the client thinks I'm God and will be sending me £50 for literally 2 mins work. I'll have some of that thank you very much. Even though I didn't raise a ticket, nor will I invoice them for it.

Just a heads up for anyone with Sage v23 clients.
What a coincidence. I had someone calling me earlier saying they cannot connect to sage via the Mapped Drive. Payroll company and were frantic. Logged into the sage "server" and noticed that the company files were somehow moved to the Log subfolder under the /appdataa/sage accounts folder! Moved it across and confirmed all working. Everyone happy. Quick £ for literally 5 minutes work!!!
I've a kinda love/hate relationship with Sage.

I like the program for what it does. I think its world class. However hate the fact that the slightest hiccup with a windows update, and its a case of

"Hell No. your not working for me." Then our clients get frantic because of it. And we in turn get some monies for a few mins work (hopefully thats all it usually takes)..