Windows 10 1909 EOL

One of my personal computers won't update past 1709. I get a BSOD when updating that's related to a compatibility issue with my motherboard's NVMe SSD and Microsoft. In order to update I'm going to have to do a clean install and I just don't feel like doing it. Everything works fine. I would never leave a client on an old build like this but I have no problem jerry-rigging things for my own personal use.
I've had this happenon a desktop and a laptop.
On the desktop it was the graphics card ( a cheap basic Asus card)
I replaced the card with a nVidia I use for diagnostic. The upgrade went without a hitch.
After the upgrade I put the old card back in and had no issues.

On the laptop there was an SD card plugged in that I didnt notice.
It was one of those Micro SD > Full size converters.
I tore my hair out till I removed it. Then and all went without issue.
That is some messed up sheet. lol I know they have a USB flash drive and a printer connected on the USB but right now from looking at the device manager remotely. I'll have them remove both of those and I'll try again. Otherwise its Fabs, N&P.
I had a TON of machines blow up going to 1803 that shared a specific brand of wifi adapter... I can never remember the RTL chipset number unless I go digging for it. It's since been fixed, but it's still generally easier to remove the offending wifi card, update, then put it back afterward than it is to manually update the drivers.

I'm glad my fleet is well past that... I don't think I'd try to upgrade anything older than 1809 anymore, I'd want to just N&P the thing to be safe. Windows 10 has changed A LOT since then.

@sapphirescales If you didn't typo that and you do indeed have a machine stuck on 1709, does it have wireless? If it's Realtek based, try turning it off / removing it and see if the upgrade goes through. That chipset was crazy common back then!
If you didn't typo that and you do indeed have a machine stuck on 1709, does it have wireless? If it's Realtek based, try turning it off / removing it and see if the upgrade goes through. That chipset was crazy common back then!
Nah, it's an issue with the NVMe SSD slot/chipset on the motherboard. For some reason when you try to upgrade it to a newer build, the computer fails to boot with an "inaccessible boot device" BSOD. Then if you hit the reset button it will revert the update and work just fine. The only fix is to do a clean install and I'm just too lazy to do it when everything works just fine otherwise.