RapidSpar Demo Program

Not only will it help you improve your success rate with the current data recovery workload you are getting, it will allow you to confidently advertise data recovery, especially if you couple it with a trustworthy data recovery lab you can outsource anything out of your scope at a reasonable price.

This is exactly how we handle these jobs. If the RapidSpar will start imaging we will continue. If it starts struggling, or is making ANY kind of unusual noise we stop immediately and refer the customer to a data lab. Making a few hundred bucks isn't worth risking the customer's data!
Yes, you can purchase it at a later date. It's an online activation, so nothing needs to be shipped for it.
Yes, you are. There is one other UK company in front of you, so you should get it in a couple of weeks.
Using my RapidSpar right now to image an 8TB drive at about 180MB/second...it will likely slow down as it gets further along, but I'm pretty confident that it will be done imaging and ready for me tomorrow morning.
I'm more than likely going to make a purchase hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I didn't get a reply when I signed up for the trial program. Can the adapters and nebular subscriptions be purchased later?? And how long does it take to receive from the time of purchase?
We touched base with Pesk already, but in case anyone else is wondering this as well - Yes, adapters, RapidNebula subscriptions, and add-ons can all be purchased at a later date.

We released a new demo video today showing the functionality provided by the Data Acquisition Add-on:
Hello Everyone.
Thank you once again for your help during our demo program. It is now officially closed. We still have one unit in UK, so if you want to try it, email me at vpashkov@deepspar.com within the next few days.
We are also updating our website with your feedback and more information about the product. Stay tuned and have a great weekend.