Instant Housecall for Windows 8, Beta tester invites coming soon

Instant Housecall - Corey

Active Member
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
We're putting the finishing touches on the new Instant Housecall for Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro. I want to reach out to the community and let you guys know what we're up to on the Windows 8 side, plus offer a few sneak peaks.

We'll be offering a beta over the next few weeks. Invites will be sent via social media, so follow along here:


If beta testing isn't for you, you can still follow for vids and pics of what's coming. This is a genuine industry-first. I'm excited to hear what you guys think.

Beta testers will need Windows 8.1 -- desktop, tablet or convertible are all great. We're looking for a good cross-section of user types, devices and form factors.

We've done a boatload of testing, and expect it to be solid for production use with live customers, but like any beta there can be hiccups. For that reason, testers will have access to our Win32 app as a fall-back.

You can see a few more screenshots here: with more coming via social media.

Questions, thoughts or feedback -- always welcome.
Hey Corey,

I love the interface so far ;)

We're putting the finishing touches on the new Instant Housecall for Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro. I want to reach out to the community and let you guys know what we're up to on the Windows 8 side, plus offer a few sneak peaks.

We'll be offering a beta over the next few weeks. Invites will be sent via social media, so follow along here:


If beta testing isn't for you, you can still follow for vids and pics of what's coming. This is a genuine industry-first. I'm excited to hear what you guys think.

Beta testers will need Windows 8.1 -- desktop, tablet or convertible are all great. We're looking for a good cross-section of user types, devices and form factors.

We've done a boatload of testing, and expect it to be solid for production use with live customers, but like any beta there can be hiccups. For that reason, testers will have access to our Win32 app as a fall-back.

You can see a few more screenshots here: with more coming via social media.

Questions, thoughts or feedback -- always welcome.