What's the deal with Acumera firewalls?


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
I'm taking over IT for a 15-person company (no servers) that currently has an Acumera firewall, managed by a corporate parent. This will be removed as part of the conversion, but I've never seen one of these before, and I'm not sure what to make of it. It might be a Firewall-as-a-service device? It doesn't provide local DHCP, for example - each workstation is assigned a static IP by MAC address. When a new device is introduced, the MAC address has to be provided to the management company, who then configures the IP and it all works. This means, for example, that they cannot have a guest wifi network, since those MAC addresses are not known in advance - a very strange limitation.

Has anyone worked with these in the past? Why would you choose this solution? I can only guess the selling point must be centralized management, but seriously, no local DHCP?
Toss it...put in your standard network hardware.
I'll use Ubiquiti, period. When taking on a client, part of the onboarding is..whatever they have that is not Ubiquiti..goes in the trash and gets replaced. If it is Ubiquiti (more and more common these days)...I reprovision to our UI accounts.