Windows Repair Toolbox

Hi, i would like to ask someone to help me with something.

I'm trying to run the unattended fix (inside a VM), but the download of Vipre Rescue Scanner stops in the middle. I don't know if that is happening because of my crappy internet connection (i have to use a Fon hotspot since i don't own a internet connection), or if is there any problem.

Can someone please try to run the unattended fix and see if the Vipre Rescue Scanner download completes?

Hi Alex - we tried today to see if we could replicate your issue. What we found is that when we checked Vipre as the only program for UNATTENDED FIX it went and ran ALL the programs in the list. We thought it would not do that except if you checked each program that you wanted to run. The Vipre did load.
Alex, I got your email early this morning. Thanks for reaching out to me. I am having an issue with Unattended mode when everything runs I got an error unable to open Text file? I am running it on my VM machine. I will be sure to get the exact error and replicate it again. I tried it twice and the same thing happened. I will also send a screenshot if needed in the email either tonight or tomorrow when I get back home.
Thanks a lot cypress. Unfortunately i'll not be able to test it myself before tomorrow, when i'll finally have a decent internet connection at my place (what i'm using right now is a free hotspot from a neighbor that doesn't hang long enough for the downloads of the unattended fix to complete... so the testing part has been quite a nightmare). Does it happens always at the same phase of the unattended fix? If yes, at what part? A screenshot would be great. I think that it might be related with the writing of the unattended fix log. It should be a quick fix if i can spot the exact point where it happens.
Thanks a lot cypress. Unfortunately i'll not be able to test it myself before tomorrow, when i'll finally have a decent internet connection at my place (what i'm using right now is a free hotspot from a neighbor that doesn't hang long enough for the downloads of the unattended fix to complete... so the testing part has been quite a nightmare). Does it happens always at the same phase of the unattended fix? If yes, at what part? A screenshot would be great. I think that it might be related with the writing of the unattended fix log. It should be a quick fix if i can spot the exact point where it happens.

Yes it always happens at the same part, after installing the Emisoft. I have sent you an email with the screenshot of the exact error.
Yes it always happens at the same part, after installing the Emisoft. I have sent you an email with the screenshot of the exact error.

Thank you once again ;)

The error is fixed in the new version ( beta) that is now available for download:

- Fixed the "Cannot write to a closed TextWriter" error (that prevented the unattended fix process from finishing in the version; it happened to be related with the writing of the log);

- Fixed a bug in the unattended fix process that affected the portable version of the tool. That bug would prevent the automatic removal of the program folder (C:\Windows_Repair_Toolbox) after the process is completed (an error message would blink right before the reboot).

- Added more information about the unattended fix: new tooltip in the "Unattended Fix" button, and in the "smart scan" and "full scan" checkboxes.

- Some other minor improvements and fixes.

Thank you all for your patience...
Hi AlexCa, have used your tool little a couple of times now on malware removals, and I am liking this alot, as I use D7.v1, I find your tool great, and look forward to using it more, and hopefully add some input into the development
Unattended mode now works with a problem with the new update for all those wondering. AlexCa continues to bring an excellent tool.
Hi AlexCa, have used your tool little a couple of times now on malware removals, and I am liking this alot, as I use D7.v1, I find your tool great, and look forward to using it more, and hopefully add some input into the development

I'm glad you find it useful, and all feedback is welcome!

Unattended mode now works with a problem with the new update for all those wondering. AlexCa continues to bring an excellent tool.

Thanks for the support!

I added a "Known Issues" paragraph to the blog:

Known issues:
  • If Ccleaner is installed and running in background in the computer being repaired (active monitoring feature of Ccleaner), the unattended fix will get stuck in the phase of cleaning temp files with Ccleaner. Workarounds: 1- Run unattended fix in safe mode with network (recommended); 2 - Or close Ccleaner from system tray before starting unattended fix; 3 - Or just close Ccleaner from system tray when the unattended fix gets stuck there (it will proceed afterwards).
  • Ccleaner will delete Microsoft Safety Scanner log during the unattended fix. So, when it finishes, that log will be missing from "" file.

Both problems have solution, and in time i'll release a update to fix them and also to add some improvements.

Hi all,

I've been receiving some reports that Windows Repair Toolbox will fail to run in some systems by returning a Form4 error.

In all the cases i've seen, it will happen if Windows have the Performance Counters corrupted.
I posted the solution here:

Basically the solution is to run lodctr /r from a elevated command prompt.
If that doesn't work, check the link for further actions.

The particular error will vary, but all have in common the fact that in the details it will mention “PerformanceCounter”, as underlined below:


Last edited:
Hi all,

i've just updated Windows Repair Toolbox to version BETA. There are lot of bug fixes and internal improvements in order to increase the stability of the tool. All feedback is welcome. I hope you enjoy!

Version BETA:

: If Ccleaner is installed and running in background in the computer being repaired (active monitoring feature of Ccleaner), the unattended fix will get stuck in the phase of cleaning temp files with Ccleaner.

Fixed: The unattended fix log isn't registering Vipre Rescue download.

Fixed: Vipre Rescue isn't running after download in manual scan (it runs in the unattended fix).

Fixed: Link to Microsoft Safety Scanner is being redirected to another Microsoft page.

Fixed: Ccleaner will delete Microsoft Safety Scanner log during the unattended fix. So, when it finishes, that log will be missing from "" file.

Fixed: Cancel button will not terminate Vipre Rescue’s process during the unattended fix. Rescue ScannerVipre Rescue Scanner will now show its window when it’s running during the unattended fix process; in order to allow (if wanted) the cancelation of the scanner by simply closing the window, the way it’s intended to work (otherwise neither the cancel button of WRT or the Task Manager are able to kill Viper protected process).

Fixed: In the end of the unattended fix, before the automatic reboot that completes the process, the portable version will attempt to delete Windows Repair Toolbox folder. This is a bad design because some of the antimalware tools will sometimes program themselves to run at next startup in order to complete the removal process.

Fixed: Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit download process no longer “freezes” Windows Repair Toolbox GUI.

Fixed: buttons alignment in the “Tools” tab.

Replaced: “Anti-Twin” with a button that opens Ninite’s website in the browser (Anti-Twin’s function was duplicated with “Duplicate Finder” tool contained already contained in Ccleaner).

Improved: The message box that advises to disable the AV before downloading Nirsoft password recovery tools now contains a cancel option.

Improved: The verification of the availability of the download links is now faster, since now it’s specific for the system type (32-bit or 64-bit) where WRT is running.

Improved: the formatting of text contained in the message boxes.

Some other improvements and bug fixes.
Good to know that is useful for you, JustInspired.

Thanks cypress, please let me know of any bugs you might find.

Hey Alex, I ran the unattended mode a couple days ago and it is running alot better. I did see the tool is running quicker and the updating feature is nice. The only thing that continues to give me a problem is having the logs emailed to me. After everything has completed I still do not get anything emailed to me. Other than that, excellent product!
Hey Alex, I ran the unattended mode a couple days ago and it is running alot better. I did see the tool is running quicker and the updating feature is nice. The only thing that continues to give me a problem is having the logs emailed to me. After everything has completed I still do not get anything emailed to me. Other than that, excellent product!

Thanks mate!

So far i haven't had problems with the email feature. Does it returns any error? Please check if you're following this example:


If yes, maybe there's some particular configuration in Gmail account you're using that prevents the sending of the email. Maybe using a new account will solve the problem. Anyway, for security reasons (since the program will be running in infected machines), i highly recommend the creation of a secondary/dedicated Gmail account for this only purpose.
Thanks mate!

So far i haven't had problems with the email feature. Does it returns any error? Please check if you're following this example:


If yes, maybe there's some particular configuration in Gmail account you're using that prevents the sending of the email. Maybe using a new account will solve the problem. Anyway, for security reasons (since the program will be running in infected machines), i highly recommend the creation of a secondary/dedicated Gmail account for this only purpose.
SMTP Server
Port 587?
Gmail SMTP Authentication Method: login?
Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes
Thanks mate!

So far i haven't had problems with the email feature. Does it returns any error? Please check if you're following this example:


If yes, maybe there's some particular configuration in Gmail account you're using that prevents the sending of the email. Maybe using a new account will solve the problem. Anyway, for security reasons (since the program will be running in infected machines), i highly recommend the creation of a secondary/dedicated Gmail account for this only purpose.

I am gonna try and setup a secondary account for this purpose and go ahead and use settings like you used.
SMTP Server
Port 587?
Gmail SMTP Authentication Method: login?
Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes

Hi allanc, i think that's accurate!

I am gonna try and setup a secondary account for this purpose and go ahead and use settings like you used.
Thanks, please let me know how it goes!

Ps: I've just tried with a new Gmail account and i'm getting this error:

"The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated.
The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at"

Afterwards, i received an automated email from google informing about the access attempt, and about recent security norms to protect my google account (automatic translation):

"You can switch to a Google application like Gmail to access the account (recommended) or change the settings in, so that the account is no longer protected by latest security standards."

So i think is necessary for the unattended fix email feature to work to go to "" and allow the access to less secure applications.

I'll test this later today.