Strange HDD upgrade issue


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Ontario, Canada
Have a customer with windows 7 home on a 80gig hd had no space left imaged his hard drive installed new hard drive, restored the image it boots fine 1st time shut it down and started it back up has bsod 0x000007b.
First thing i am thinking is bcd corruption
bootrec.exe /fixmbr, bootrec.exe /fixboot, bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd
0 installations found fine then i bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup, attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s, ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old, bootrec /rebuildbcd.

Reboot and same bsod.

Re-imaged drive booted drive fixed BCD then updated all drivers shut it down start it backup again same bsod even after updating the drivers and chipset for sata controllers.

There is no setting on this motherboard for ahci 1st thing i checked never had an issue upgrading just a hard drive have done it 300 times before without issues any ideas?
What is the new drive? I bet there is an issue with sector size (4K/AF) coming from an 80 gigger. What are you imaging with?

hdclone 6 it does 4k af by default if needed it is a 320 segate st3320413as.
Also tried acronis 2014 same issue.
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Is it possible the 320 gb drive is defective? Have you tried cloning to a different drive to see if the same thing happens?
80 gig hard drive? How old is this thing? PATA drive?!
Update BIOS on the mobo?
Could always try flipping BIOS drive mode to from AHCI to legacy PATA /IDE mode for giggles...just to see if she'll boot up without the drive controller error.

What's a screenie of Diskpart show?
80 gig hard drive? How old is this thing? PATA drive?!
Update BIOS on the mobo?
Could always try flipping BIOS drive mode to from AHCI to legacy PATA /IDE mode for giggles...just to see if she'll boot up without the drive controller error.

What's a screenie of Diskpart show?

The motherboard is m2n68-am se2 pretty sure it can handle large HD the 80 gig is sata not pata wd 800jd.
Ahh a motherboard of the month club cloner....yeah that's an older mobo (from 2009 era). Even has an ATA-133 40 pin IDE connector...based on checking the specs.

Plus an oddball RAID controller..may want to toggle that around. But I'll mention again may want to A) Flash the BIOS to upgrade compatibility with newer hard drives, and B)..toggle those SATA/AHCI modes to something more legacy. Or..reset BIOS to defaults...whoever originally built that thing way back then may have had to really fiddle with the motherboard to get that old 80 gig hard drive working. So you may have to UNDO some weird settings.
I posted a tool a bit ago, you should try it. It was made by a tech who was tired of the official response from MS that changing boards required a re-install. Anyways, from time to time, it helps strange issues. You can run the script from with Windows 7 RE or a PE suite.!AkYr1ddI8vEhgYBAp75CRyHoR2BuFQ

That VBS script will fix that 7B Error for you provided Windows has the drivers for generic boot devices installed. Ie; you'll need RAID Drivers if it's RAID.

Remember the script asks for Windows Drive, not Windows Folder.

If it says access denied, you most likely pointed it to a driver folder that it does not have permission to read.

When pointing the script to a folder with drivers, point the script to an empty folder
if you do not have a specific driver.
How was it running before the swap? I've seen Windows cannibalize itself when the OS drive gets completely full, producing weird symptoms. Regardless, it might be useful to do a fresh install on the drive you want to use to see how it works independent of the old install.
Tried another hard drive a 250 gig non AF same thing only boots once runs fine if you reboot it blue screens.

How was it running before the swap? I've seen Windows cannibalize itself when the OS drive gets completely full, producing weird symptoms. Regardless, it might be useful to do a fresh install on the drive you want to use to see how it works independent of the old install.
it was running good which is odd i did a full driver update, full malware/virus clean, full tuneup/clean then i imaged it.

Ok so i decided just to start fresh on the hard drive upgrade i installed windows, updates and programs then tried to hook up the old hard drive guess what it does not show up so im thinking maybe it was setup with a hard drive manager software.
Stuck it in a usb enclosure same thing i have not seen that software used for a loong time good thing i didn't nuke the boot sector.
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