Snappy Driver Installer Origin


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South West Victoria Australia
I'd be interested to chat with anyone who is automating or attempting to automate or would like to automate SDIO.

Edit: By automation, I mean using the command line options, probably in a batch file to try to get it to do a series of tasks with no intervention. What kinds of command line things would you like to be able to do with it?
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This interests me, but I'm not sure what I could do to help, unless you need someone to figure out how to create a powershell wrapper for it.
This interests me, but I'm not sure what I could do to help, unless you need someone to figure out how to create a powershell wrapper for it.
Do you currently use the command line at all? If so, how do you use it? If you could change it to make it better to use in batch file situations, what would you do?
So, I'm horribly out of the loop about the whole development story, and I just caught up with how you forked the project. I've still been using the old (and insecure?!) SDI, and here's the code I use with it:

 SDI_R536.exe -autoinstall -autoclose

Now, this runs zero touch if and only if the drivers are already downloaded and the directory structure setup. So, I script the download of a 13GB zip file, unzip it, and then run the above command.

What I would love, is a switch for the EXE, where it would:
  • Create it's folder structure
  • Download the index
  • Scan the system for what drivers are needed
  • Automatically create a restore point, download the required drivers (only), and install them
If you can do all of the above zero touch, you will have the most powerful driver installer in existence.

I have not looked at your fork at all, so I apologize if it already can do this.
So, I'm horribly out of the loop about the whole development story, and I just caught up with how you forked the project. I've still been using the old (and insecure?!) SDI, and here's the code I use with it:

 SDI_R536.exe -autoinstall -autoclose

Now, this runs zero touch if and only if the drivers are already downloaded and the directory structure setup. So, I script the download of a 13GB zip file, unzip it, and then run the above command.

What I would love, is a switch for the EXE, where it would:
  • Create it's folder structure
  • Download the index
  • Scan the system for what drivers are needed
  • Automatically create a restore point, download the required drivers (only), and install them
If you can do all of the above zero touch, you will have the most powerful driver installer in existence.

I have not looked at your fork at all, so I apologize if it already can do this.
awesome! This is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Coupla questions:
What do you mean by "Create it's folder structure"?
How do you download the 13GB zip file?
If it can download the required drivers 'just in time' then there's no need to download the 13GB zip file?
What do you mean by "Create it's folder structure"?
How do you download the 13GB zip file?
If it can download the required drivers 'just in time' then there's no need to download the 13GB zip file?

I'll PM you the section of the script that does the heavy lifting. But yes, the idea is that a 'just in time' download would save bandwidth, and also make the script easier to maintenance (because I need to make a new 13GB zip file each time I want updated drivers....).
If there is an option to specify the class of drivers to install, that would be good.

For example when I do bare images I often will only want LAN drivers or WLAN so it would be awesome if I could script just that.

Also, if there is an option to scan a PC and see if SDI has these specific drivers and if not do a snapshot and upload them. That way when new models of hardware come out or a specific model that is very picky about what drivers work, we can contribute.
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If there is an option to specify the class of drivers to install, that would be good.

For example when I do bare images I often will only want LAN drivers or WLAN so it would be awesome if I could script just that.

Also, if there is an option to scan a PC and see if SDI has these specific drivers and if not do a snapshot and upload them. That way when new models of hardware come out or a specific model that is very picky about what drivers work, we can contribute.
Some good ideas there. I'll have to look in to that.
There was a script that would update sdi (app and driver packs). I have it and it was working great. After the fork can't trust it. Want to have a look and integrate it to sdio? Thanks in advance.

Στάλθηκε από το HTC 10 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
There was a script that would update sdi (app and driver packs). I have it and it was working great. After the fork can't trust it. Want to have a look and integrate it to sdio? Thanks in advance.

Στάλθηκε από το HTC 10 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
sure. post it here or pm me if you prefer.
:: Keep SDI.exe updated with the latest drivers and version of SDI_Rnnn.exe
:: NOTE: Put this batch file in the SDI_UPDATE directory with the SDI_Rnnn.exe file
::SET SDIPath to location of batch file which should be with SDI_Rnnn.exe
SET SDIPath=%~dp0
::Get the newest SDI_Rnnn.exe file
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR "SDI_R*.exe" /B /O:D') DO SET NewestSDI=%%I
:: Run SDI update
CALL %NewestSDI% /autoupdate /autoclose
::Make sure we still have most current executable in case one was just downloaded
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR "SDI_R*.exe" /B /O:D') DO SET NewestSDI=%%I
::Copy current version to SDI.exe
COPY %NewestSDI% SDI.exe /Y

Στάλθηκε από το HTC 10 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
:: Keep SDI.exe updated with the latest drivers and version of SDI_Rnnn.exe
:: NOTE: Put this batch file in the SDI_UPDATE directory with the SDI_Rnnn.exe file
::SET SDIPath to location of batch file which should be with SDI_Rnnn.exe
SET SDIPath=%~dp0
::Get the newest SDI_Rnnn.exe file
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR "SDI_R*.exe" /B /O:D') DO SET NewestSDI=%%I
:: Run SDI update
CALL %NewestSDI% /autoupdate /autoclose
::Make sure we still have most current executable in case one was just downloaded
FOR /F "delims=|" %%I IN ('DIR "SDI_R*.exe" /B /O:D') DO SET NewestSDI=%%I
::Copy current version to SDI.exe
COPY %NewestSDI% SDI.exe /Y

Στάλθηκε από το HTC 10 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
that was a batch file posted on the old web site. I've updated it for Origin and packaged it with the latest release, v0.7.0.576. get it at
Yes, I'm trying to download the SDIO- torrent. But sheesh, 16 hours on a 150 meg connection? I am only receiving 346k down from the torrent site.
Thanks man. Unfortunately even though i have the said version, i can't find the script. I was using it on a scheduled task to update the driver packs and the app daily. Always with the latest version and the ones before. If there is another way to do this, is be happy to know it. Thanks again, for all the effort and hard work man!

Στάλθηκε από το HTC 10 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Thanks man. Unfortunately even though i have the said version, i can't find the script. I was using it on a scheduled task to update the driver packs and the app daily. Always with the latest version and the ones before. If there is another way to do this, is be happy to know it. Thanks again, for all the effort and hard work man!

Στάλθηκε από το HTC 10 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
you'll find it in the "scripts" directory. did you download the zip file from the home page?
Just checked the folder and tge torrent and i am missing the autoupdate.bat. Will redownload and let you know mate. Cheers.

Στάλθηκε από το HTC 10 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Sorry for the late reply but I wanted to confirm that the update script was working. I can say that now. Both the executables and the driver packs are getting updated with no problem. Thanks a lot mate!

Στάλθηκε από το HTC 10 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
I'd like a command line option to delete the sdio executable and it's folder completely after install. For instance:
sdio.exe -autoinstall -autoclose -nogui -selfdelete

I'd also like a command line option for update:
1. command to update all drivers, update existing and download new unexsting ones
2. command to update existing drivers
3. command to update executable only (sdio)
4. command to update all (sdio + driver packs)

You decide which ones you like best. But I think all of them are worth it.

Also, i have found a bug a long time ago but was never fixed. I talked to badpointer about this but he never got around to it.
In WinPE, using -autoinstall -nogui.options sometimes encounter an error while tying to install and then SDIO closes immediately without completing the installation. This happend all the time. I fixed it by using this code:
pushd %~dp0
if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64" (set pattern=SDIO_x64_R) else (set pattern=SDIO_R)

for /f "delims=|" %%i in ('dir "%pattern%*.exe" /b /o:d') do set SDI=%%i
%SDI% -license -hidepatreon -expertmode -nostop -showdrpnames2 -preservecfg -autoinstall -autoclose -nogui

ping -n 1 | find "TTL=" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
  %SDI% -license -hidepatreon -expertmode -nostop -showdrpnames2 -preservecfg -autoinstall -autoclose


exit /b 0
Which means: run sdi and if after execution, the internet is not working, run sdi again in gui mode. It always work in gui mode but sometimes it fails using nogui. unfortunately I can't get the error logs for you as I no longer work with this kind of stuff but it's easy to test.
This happens on any version of PE.
I'd like a command line option to delete the sdio executable and it's folder completely after install. For instance:
sdio.exe -autoinstall -autoclose -nogui -selfdelete
What's the problem you're trying to solve here?

I'd also like a command line option for update:
1. command to update all drivers, update existing and download new unexsting ones
2. command to update existing drivers
3. command to update executable only (sdio)
4. command to update all (sdio + driver packs)

You decide which ones you like best. But I think all of them are worth it.
All of this functionality is available in the scripting. If you have the latest version, look for the scripting.txt file in the scripts directory. In the next version there's a whole new reference manual pdf in the docs directory.

Also, i have found a bug a long time ago but was never fixed. I talked to badpointer about this but he never got around to it.
In WinPE, using -autoinstall -nogui.options sometimes encounter an error while tying to install and then SDIO closes immediately without completing the installation. This happend all the time. I fixed it by using this code:
pushd %~dp0
if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64" (set pattern=SDIO_x64_R) else (set pattern=SDIO_R)

for /f "delims=|" %%i in ('dir "%pattern%*.exe" /b /o:d') do set SDI=%%i
%SDI% -license -hidepatreon -expertmode -nostop -showdrpnames2 -preservecfg -autoinstall -autoclose -nogui

ping -n 1 | find "TTL=" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
  %SDI% -license -hidepatreon -expertmode -nostop -showdrpnames2 -preservecfg -autoinstall -autoclose


exit /b 0
Which means: run sdi and if after execution, the internet is not working, run sdi again in gui mode. It always work in gui mode but sometimes it fails using nogui. unfortunately I can't get the error logs for you as I no longer work with this kind of stuff but it's easy to test.
This happens on any version of PE.
Perhaps you can set up the scenario and capture the logs and send them to me, otherwise we could speculate endlessly about what it might be...