[REQUEST] Need a recommendation for Fiber Optic


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Batcave, Indiana
Hello, I had 3 dual pair fiber optic runs installed when a customer built onto the building. The project manager had the business's phone technicians run the wires and terminate them. One of the guys that used to work for me, bent one of the terminations. The phone vendor was coming in anyway, so they just installed new ones.
Now the customer has installed 42 cameras and they are eating into the bandwidth. We want to separate them and use the second pair. On of the wires has a bad connection on it, so it needs replaced.

I want to re-terminate it myself, but I have never done that. I also do not have the tools to do this. They are SC connectors.
Can anyone point me to a good set of tools to do this with?

Computer Parts Repairs
I'm confused. You say fiber and then say wires. At any rate you might want to think twice about buying fiber termination tools and doing it yourself. By the time you're done paying for the tools, etc it will probably cost more than paying a fiber tech to do this. And you will not have a tester to verify the run is good. I looked at getting into fiber a couple of years ago as I already run copper. To have all of the proper equipment, including tester, is very expensive.
Another agreement here. If you're going to get into doing this regularly then fine but otherwise too expensive in terms of learning curve and equipment cost. Over here I can hire a termination setup for about €300 a day. Then I have to hire the guy to use it. When doing runs we often purchase pre-terminated runs to the required length rather than hiring a splicer and getting someone in for the day. http://www.cablemonkey.ie/363-pre-terminted-fibre-cable
It is old habit to say "wires" when I mean "Fiber". I have hired someone who has done this before. He worked for the local telephone company as IT Support. The telephone vendor will do this, but it will take about 8 weeks for them to show up.
If anyone else reads this...don't do it if you don't have experience with it. Sub-contract it out and save that headache for something you can competently address....