MSI CoreCenter problem

Well, I just had the most interesting experience.

After installing one of MSI's diagnostic programs called CoreCenter for my motherboard, I was greeted with a BSOD as soon as I ran the program. After reseting, I was greeted by the BSOD again shorty after I logged in. The BSOD mentioned that I should check if I had enough hard drive space left. Being that I had barely 200MB left in my hard drive, I concluded that Windows was crashing because there wasn't enough room left on my hard drive to create a page file. (However, I don't have that much experience with page file problems)

So I proceed to boot UBCD4WIN to free up space on the C drive. Of course first I had to find UBCD and I didn't label the disc. So I ran around checking which CD it was on my floormate's computer only to find that none of the CDs I had were it. So I grabbed my hard drive and USB adapter and borrowed my floormate's computer again to burn the CD image. After deleting and moving files around, I managed to squeeze out 3GB of free space. However, I was once again greeted by the same BSOD after logging in.

Then it hit me. This all started when I installed CoreCenter and discovered that it was on my startup list. Not wanting to boot up UBCD again (it takes a lot of time), I booted Windows in safe mode and removed the program from my startup list. And behold, I'm back online again.

If anyone knows more about this problem, fill me in. I still have the program installed and can crash the computer on demand if I wish.
Have you searched the msi website for anwsers and what does the error say?

Is it this?

Application Failed to initiate properly (0xC0000135)

If so the answer is here:

When starts to run MSI Dual CoreCenter, the system gives an error message "Application Failed to initiate properly (0xC0000135)", how can I fix it?

Please install Dot Net Frame Work 2.0, as to use Dual Core Center must first install it.

NOTE: Taken from the MSI Knowledge base

Hope that helps! :)
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