Its my Birthday!

Enjoy! Try not to think about the 27.16* years you have left (2015 table). That's .05 years more than the answer using the 2014 table, though, so there's that. :D

*Non-smoking male, not accounting for existing disease, hazardous profession, or localized effects.
I can make you something special a revised version of the virus for dos pong but for windows with your logo on it ... and cause the virus to work like cookie monster and force instead of a give me a cookie "cookie" force them to wish you a happy birthday.. nah I'll stick to wishing you the best even though I'm a day late due to Canada moving this week-end my internet got shot in the process sorry I missed the deadline.
Happy Birthday, and congratulations for successfully completing 53 heliocentric orbits :)

I completed my 49th orbit about 10 days ago. Or in hexadecimal, as I now prefer to count them, my 31st orbit.