F.C.C. Repeals Net Neutrality Rules

I feel like the sky should look similar to this right now:

Tim Berners-Lee is as ****** off as we are. This is what happens when our Congressman sell favorable legislation to the highest corporate bidder at the expense of the proletariat.

First off, around 45 years ago DARPA and our tax $ paid for the development of the communication protocols that would allow networked devices to talk. Comcast did not spend their money. Neither did Time Warner. We did.

What's next? Allow trucking companies to control the interstates? Let Lockheed control the airports?
Possible scenarios:

I can see ISPs breaking down their charges something like charging more for certain ports to be open. They will go after the VPNs and try and knock them out. Streaming video will certainly be on their list at the top. They will offer their own streaming service and start throttling or blocking others. Its no longer a free world and the ISPs are going to take full advantage of this.

Certainly a black day for the Internet as we know it.

How about you try and pull up a webpage from an alternate search engine - startpage, duck-duck-go and you get a page up on your screen that basically says:

"This site is not available with your current Internet package. Upgrade now to enjoy the best the internet has to offer.."

Just like they do with TV channels now.

How sad...
I'm concerned as well on some points, we stream all of our TV, what we don't get from an antenna anyway, and it's worked great for us.

That said, I have read things that suggest it may allow small companies to pop up again, like smaller ISPs that is. Hoping for the best.
People are so gullible. We are NOT losing net neutrality. Let me be clear, we are NOT losing it. Stop with the fake news. Net neutrality will remain, the ONLY thing being lost is the Title II. That's all. You have to lose it in order to implement new and better regulations for the people while keeping the ISP's under close observation.
I like the part "if you don't like what your ISP is going to do, you have the option to switch".
Nope......only one choice for me. Take it or leave it.
As I understand it, Title ll classifies broadband providers as common carriers. Because of this regulation the FCC has the legal authority to ensure that ISP's like Comcast can not steer queries to faster lanes, set speed/data limits or block competitors content. What happens when that legal authority dries up? Are we going to trust a mega corporation to do the right thing?

Seeing how thousands of independent media outlets have been swallowed up by around 6 media giants it is plain to me to see where this is heading.
Because of this regulation the FCC has the legal authority to ensure that ISP's like Comcast can not steer queries to faster lanes
You would be correct. However, the FCC isn't the organization that "should" be over seeing that. Speculation has it that new regulations will be handled by the FTC, which it should have been in the first place.
The hysteria is amusing. Not pretty though. I can remember a lot of people who claimed the world was coming to an end just because some cheesy New York blowhard got elected. But in my area of the country you can't tell the difference. And one of the design philosophies of the Internet was fault tolerance and resilience. Somehow I expect the innovators will find a way to keep on innovating.
I thought you conservative folks were for state's rights? This s

hreds states rights and puts the Feds and Corporations in full control and fully out of the hands of states.
Comcast has already quietly removed the net neutrality statement out of their TOS - they can change the TOS at any time without notice, now.

The FTC thing is BS. As the FCC works with the FTC, there is an obscure case you can read about that is going to be very important:
Net Neutrality: AT&T Court Case Could Let Telecoms Slow Internet Speeds At Will

If that case wins, it will invalidate the FTC - this is all by design and you guys are falling for it..
I will say this, I like everything so far that President Trump has done, but I am concerned on this issue. However, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

I may be fortunate though, we are looking and may possibly move a town over, and in that town, the city has actually set up their own ISP/cable service and is doing fiber to the home. So if we move there, I may signing up for their fiber internet. 40mbps for 30 a month? Yes Please!