Don't forget to bill for your remote sessions!

Thank you for posting this, exactly what I was curious about. You've got a much higher success rate than I've ever seen. Does this not include the "cheap wad callers" who only call to compare pricing? Or have you been able to whittle those calls down to a negligible amount?

Regarding your cancelation policy, do you explain this over the or email them the details after agreed upon/pre-paid over phone?

If someone calls up and demands exact pricing, they're not even added to these stats. These stats include clients that actually either check in their computer with us (for the diagnostic), or agree to pay my trip charge to come out and assess the situation. As for the cheap wads calling, that will always exist. But I'm able to spot one in a matter of seconds when they call and get them off the phone ASAP. I don't want good paying clients waiting on hold because some dipshit wants us to install his $40 Chinese eBay screen for $20 in labor because "it will only take a few minutes. I watched a YouTube video online and it's really easy." Screw those cheap wad clients!

Yes, cancellation fees are discussed over the phone. I don't want to charge a cancellation fee. I just want them to have me do the work or give me adequate notice if they change their minds. But if I don't make the penalties clear, they won't give a crap and will end up screwing me.