Do not believe in climate change caused by mankind?

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not going to facilitate your misguided efforts to turn this into a political discussion. Although, I will say that my answer might not be what you expect. But again, I'm not out to prove anything or try to convince others that my point of view is correct. My only point is that, if you want to get to the truth, one needs to look at the facts without the interference of ideology and dogma. Otherwise, you are just a puppet.

I agree. Like I said. It was just an observation. There seems to be a handbook you get when you lean to the left and global warming is on like page 23. Right next to a pic of I mean Al Gore. :p
I agree. Like I said. It was just an observation. There seems to be a handbook you get when you lean to the left and global warming is on like page 23. Right next to a pic of I mean Al Gore. :p

Why do you insist a painting with such a wide brush? So, far your only posts in this thread have been about "liberals". It's obvious what you are fishing for.
Anyone else here see the strong connection between being liberal and believing in global warming? Not trying to open up a whole other can o worms, simply an observation. Not just on this forum either. There seems to be a very strong connection between the two pretty much all over.

Of course I see it.

They also believe that if we give the poor all this money they will not be poor anymore! So, Lets rob from the rich and give it to the poor and also give them houses they cannot afford (Barney Frank anyone?) and they are all set.

You know, Margaret Thatcher said it best "Liberalism works until you run out of other peoples money".
With everyone posting stats and opinions about climate change I really have to laugh. Of course there is climate change. Of course these scientists say "Yes" to climate change. But the issue at hand is "Is there MAN MADE climate change?". If there is then it doesnt last very long and has no long term effects on the earth.

When one volcano errupts and causes more change in the climate than mankind has done in all his existence (See "The little ice age" history) and the effects from this volcano eruption are over with in a short geological span then you have to really wonder if any effect man has on climate can last very long at all.

When the "man made climate change" (mmcc) people sight things as the polar bears huddling on a lone iceberg because the ice caps are melting away and other things like the climate in California being hot and dry as proof of mmcc then I really do not give them any credence at all.
Why do you insist a painting with such a wide brush? So, far your only posts in this thread have been about "liberals". It's obvious what you are fishing for.

I'm not fishing for anything, I straight up asked

Thyslingerofguns said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say since you seem mildly offended you are indeed on the left and do believe in global warming. Am I right? Be honest.

I'm just saying I have yet to see a pro-global warming/climate change person who was not strongly slanted to the left. I asked if you are and you jump all around the question instead of just answering. Why?
When one volcano errupts and causes more change in the climate than mankind has done in all his existence (See "The little ice age" history) and the effects from this volcano eruption are over with in a short geological span then you have to really wonder if any effect man has on climate can last very long at all..

But yet many scientific surveys (since most of this is realistically measurable) show that, annually, the worlds volcano's produce about 200 million tons of CO2 annually, and our industrial and automotive produce around 24 billion tons annually.

Now I know I'm older and it's been a while since elementary school...but 200 million...or 24 billion...hmmm...which one is the larger number?

Yes...yes...that's on average, certainly not accounting for major eruptions such as Mt St Helens.

Carbon Dioxide levels....have gone off the charts since the 1950s. Look at this chart measuring it for over the past 650,000 years. It's mostly been level, and then the chart has gone nearly vertical starting at 1950. This is also something easily measurable and verifiable....not some numbers just made up to sway some angle of a debate.

I don't blame mankind for all of earths changes....I'm well aware that in the history of our planet it has gone through cycles of global changes. The part that many people fail to grasp, is that some big swings in global changes were initiate by some single cause events. Many of them by solar influences, such as some crazy period of massive solar flares. Many of them by volcanic influences, such as during heavy volcanic activity. Some of them by outside extra terrestrial based physical trauma to our planet (impact by huge meteors). Many of them (going way back) by flaura and fauna changes on our earths surface (lots of plants cause changes in O2 balance). And I'm not blind enough to miss the fact that humans, with our industrial revolution and accompanying disregard for our planet and its resources....has had "some" impact in recent global changes.
But yet many scientific surveys (since most of this is realistically measurable) show that, annually, the worlds volcano's produce about 200 million tons of CO2 annually, and our industrial and automotive produce around 24 billion tons annually.

Now I know I'm older and it's been a while since elementary school...but 200 million...or 24 billion...hmmm...which one is the larger number?

Yes...yes...that's on average, certainly not accounting for major eruptions such as Mt St Helens.

Carbon Dioxide levels....have gone off the charts since the 1950s. Look at this chart measuring it for over the past 650,000 years. It's mostly been level, and then the chart has gone nearly vertical starting at 1950. This is also something easily measurable and verifiable....not some numbers just made up to sway some angle of a debate.

I don't blame mankind for all of earths changes....I'm well aware that in the history of our planet it has gone through cycles of global changes. The part that many people fail to grasp, is that some big swings in global changes were initiate by some single cause events. Many of them by solar influences, such as some crazy period of massive solar flares. Many of them by volcanic influences, such as during heavy volcanic activity. Some of them by outside extra terrestrial based physical trauma to our planet (impact by huge meteors). Many of them (going way back) by flaura and fauna changes on our earths surface (lots of plants cause changes in O2 balance). And I'm not blind enough to miss the fact that humans, with our industrial revolution and accompanying disregard for our planet and its resources....has had "some" impact in recent global changes.

Please read or skip down to summary.
You can't deny climate change has been going on for millions of years it is nothing new and not man made just watch this and look at the facts.

OK, sure, so lets go ahead and have you back that claim up (Dealing with the statements of denying past Climate Change), thanks.
Why do you insist a painting with such a wide brush? So, far your only posts in this thread have been about "liberals". It's obvious what you are fishing for.

Yeah. This is what people do when they don't really have a valid argument; they just start in with the "dang libruhs" stuff.

@Galdorf There are no sources or even links for that video (it must be true if it's on the youtubes, no?), and features the infamous Richard Lindzen. Really? That's the best you can do? Let me help you:

"Lindzen has published work with the conservative think-tank, the Cato Institute, a think tank that has received $125,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998. In his 1995 article, “The Heat Is On,” Ross Gelbspan notes that Lindzen charged oil and coal organizations $2,500 per day for his consulting services."

That's your credible and impartial "scientist."

We get berated for having "flawed icons" - yet on the other side, there is no wrong doing. It's really two-faced.

Totally're not even comprehending facts. What I quoted...was measurement in output of CO2 in measurable TONS. you're sort of countering your own prior tried to claim a volcano can put more CO2 in the air that mankind can. Not true. We were talking about putting volumes of CO2 into the atmosphere.'re trying to change direction, by talking about existing volumes of CO2 in the air...and done by something else. You're trying to backpeddle and/or try slight of hand, or just randomly spewing out via some A.D.D. approach in debate.

I was hoping for at least a college grad level of debate...none here....I feel like I'm correcting my daughters junior high school project.
I was hoping for at least a college grad level of debate...none here....I feel like I'm correcting my daughters junior high school project.

I have offered more than a few times now for a reasonable debate. Still no response. Like I never even said it. No takers. Guess they're not up for it.
Well, we have two who have admitted to being far left. The third is but wont admit it probably due to Thats pretty much all I wanted to know. The reason why they believe what they do has nothing to do with science. Uncle Al told them it was true and then they got their own "scientists" to make it so. I don't think you will find a single person not on the left who believes in global warming.