Anyone use Google AdWords?


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Central New Jersey
Of all the types of advertising discussed here at Technibble, i've never really heard anyone mention Google's AdWords advertising. I just wanted to know if any of you have had any experience (good or not-so-good) with it. Personally, I NEVER click the AdWords ads, and hardly even glance over at them, but I see even GeekSquad and other larger chains use it so perhaps it does bring customers in.

Any thoughts?
My website shows up on a regular Google search in the first couple results for my optimized keywords already, so I can't see any reason to pay for something I get for "free". I say "free" because it took a decent amount of work to get it there. If I ran a larger operation where I'd need to cover an entire state or something, I could see it being useful then.
I did it...

My website shows up on a regular Google search in the first couple results for my optimized keywords already, so I can't see any reason to pay for something I get for "free". I say "free" because it took a decent amount of work to get it there. If I ran a larger operation where I'd need to cover an entire state or something, I could see it being useful then.
And the only people hitting my site were going there to get email addresses. I got a TON of spam as soon as I got signed up with Google Adwords. I didn't get a single qualified lead.

But... That could be because my website sucked even more then than it does now.
It would most likely be a complete waste of money. I have advertised using Google Adwords in another business that I own, and most of your clicks are from your competetors trying to run out your funds. Plus, you would not have a good rate of return for a computer repair business. It may be ok if you were advertising something like web-hosting.