Anyone remember how to assign a user directory to another user manually?


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Columbia, SC
I admit these automatic apps have made me rusty in this area. I just had a situation with a Vista customer where the automated apps wouldn't work. I tried to do it manually but it also failed. It may be that I forgot a step or it may just be that the customers hard drive has a couple bad sectors.

Does anyone recall the manual process to assign a user directory to another user including the settings in the user registry hive?

Are you talking about profiles? You can goto computer management and open local users a groups. Open users and find the user you are looking for and double click. Click on the profile tab and enter the path of the user's profile. I hope this is what you are reffering to.
I admit these automatic apps have made me rusty in this area. I just had a situation with a Vista customer where the automated apps wouldn't work. I tried to do it manually but it also failed. It may be that I forgot a step or it may just be that the customers hard drive has a couple bad sectors.

Does anyone recall the manual process to assign a user directory to another user including the settings in the user registry hive?


Go here:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-21-whatever-user-guid

Change the "ProfileImagePath" value to point to the new user profile directory.