Tracking software


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East Midlands UK
I would like to have detailed tracking for my site, more than Google webmaster tools, Search console and the tracking plugin I have installed (Monster Insights ) provide.

The reason is that I want to make sure that what I am paying for SEO-wise is worth it, e.g. search engine ads and directory ads.

I have been recommended Extreme Tracking - - has anyone heard of them or had experience with their product?
I used extreme tracking pro for a few months - it wasn't bad, but I was trying it for incoming search terms that it can't do (not it's fault). It's pretty good, but I have come to the point that in my web logs I really just want hits and refs. After a few months I wasn't really sure what I was paying for when I thought about it up against google analytics.

For what I'm looking for I used

Just what I was going through - your requirements might be different.
Thanks for your reply.

I pretty much came to the same conclusion, so I don't think that I shall bother. I'll stick to Google Analytics and Monster Insights Pro.