Macbook Pro boots to white screen


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
This is a late-2011 machine, hard drive was replaced with an SSD a couple of years ago by the geniuses. When powered on, you get the normal chime, and the loading bar creeps slowly across until it his about 33%, then the screen goes white, there is a brief two-second period where it displays a 1/2" horizontal bar of scrambled pixels about a 1/3 of the way down the screen, then that disappears and it sits at a white screen.


This sounds like a logic board from this point.

I've tried to boot to recovery with Command-R, but that has no effect, you never get the recovery screen, just a white screen.

I've tried to boot to an external drive, but you get the same behavior minus the horizontal bar of scrambled pixels.

The [Toshiba] SSD tests ok in gSmartControl, 14K hrs, no errors in the smart logs. Browsable in linux.

I put what I thought was an empty hard disk in to see if I could install OSX on a fresh disk - turned out the disk wasn't empty and it booted to windows 10 - haha. I noticed the desktop background wasn't smooth, it was made up of broken lines of the correct color. Here is a zoom of that:


This lasted about 2 minutes and Windows 10 bluescreened - no surprise.

So I started over again, and booted to a USB installer to try and install on a fresh disk, but after choosing the USB as the boot device, the loading bar stopped again at about 33% and the machine went to a white screen.

I don't have a spare hard disk cable, even though I vowed to buy one the last time we found that problem on a Macbook.

Anything I missed - or are we back at a logic board failure?
It's a GPU failure. I keep a few 2011 and 2012 Macbook Pro's in the 13" and 15" variety in stock in my shop. I only buy them if they have 1,000 hours on them or less. This is a great way to make a good profit by swapping the HDD/SSD into another identical model and sending them on their way. The truth of the matter is, there's no way to fix the GPU, and even swapping the motherboard isn't a fix either since you're going to end up using some hacked together replacement board, or at the very least, a board with a ton of hours on it that just hasn't happened to show the symptoms of the GPU issue yet. Your best bet is to sell them something else - be it a PC or a newer Mac - and transfer their data for them.
I can't believe it, but they are pretty much insisting on repair with a used board. I made them sign a release. Best board I could find was $450 - yikes. A refurb of the same specs is about $1,100, they are probably looking at a $600 or $700 repair - amazing. I just don't get how people become emotionally attached to a computer...
This is a late-2011 machine, hard drive was replaced with an SSD a couple of years ago by the geniuses. When powered on, you get the normal chime, and the loading bar creeps slowly across until it his about 33%, then the screen goes white, there is a brief two-second period where it displays a 1/2" horizontal bar of scrambled pixels about a 1/3 of the way down the screen, then that disappears and it sits at a white screen.

View attachment 8492

This sounds like a logic board from this point.

I've tried to boot to recovery with Command-R, but that has no effect, you never get the recovery screen, just a white screen.

I've tried to boot to an external drive, but you get the same behavior minus the horizontal bar of scrambled pixels.

The [Toshiba] SSD tests ok in gSmartControl, 14K hrs, no errors in the smart logs. Browsable in linux.

I put what I thought was an empty hard disk in to see if I could install OSX on a fresh disk - turned out the disk wasn't empty and it booted to windows 10 - haha. I noticed the desktop background wasn't smooth, it was made up of broken lines of the correct color. Here is a zoom of that:

View attachment 8493

This lasted about 2 minutes and Windows 10 bluescreened - no surprise.

So I started over again, and booted to a USB installer to try and install on a fresh disk, but after choosing the USB as the boot device, the loading bar stopped again at about 33% and the machine went to a white screen.

I don't have a spare hard disk cable, even though I vowed to buy one the last time we found that problem on a Macbook.

Anything I missed - or are we back at a logic board failure?

let me ask you something, this model has discrete graphics?

because i already "fix" a model of macbook pro 2011 15" model with AMD ATI (crappy chip) you must try disable the gpu.

and then check the temp with fan tools
Make sure you check that hard drive cable 1st.
It's a known issue and can do some strange things.
Will it boot and run WITHOUT any hard drive attached?
This was fixed and out the door weeks ago - we replaced the logic board with the used one - left the same hard drive cable. Everything worked fine, and the check didn't bounce. :)