A quick gander, if you could!


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I've also now gotten around to updating my site a little, from the old moonfruit site to something a little better wordpress wise.

I confess, I could have gotten it done by one of my usual outsources but my spare time costs less! At present I would consider the site pretty much done, with the exception of the image on the main page which I plan to replace with the logo on my car.

In the mean time, how do you think it looks overall? I'm nervous in asking, as I'm sure there are a number of faults, but any advice would be much appreciated!

Your Request Assistance - Services link is 404. As a new visitor, I usually like to see what services you offer, without actually requesting assistance. If I like what I see, then I'll ask for assistance or seek more information. What part of a computer do you use a wrench and a flat screwdriver on? :)
Steve C. from Podnutz always says to have your contact info., at least your phone number as the largest text, front & center on your home page. Why do you want to make it difficult for your customers to contact you? I agree with that line of thinking, that's how my site is set up, and also a "fill in" contact form on the home page that I get an immediate notification from.
Your Request Assistance - Services link is 404. As a new visitor, I usually like to see what services you offer, without actually requesting assistance. If I like what I see, then I'll ask for assistance or seek more information. What part of a computer do you use a wrench and a flat screwdriver on? :)
It's good you pointed that out, I broke that just earlier without noticing. Many thanks, that's fixed now. Ah I know, I quite liked the graphic at first particularly because of the colour, but changing this for the car will hopefully be a little better.
I would make the text larger.
You know, I'm glad you said this. I was worrying about my eyes. I'll surely do this.

Steve C. from Podnutz always says to have your contact info., at least your phone number as the largest text, front & center on your home page. Why do you want to make it difficult for your customers to contact you? I agree with that line of thinking, that's how my site is set up, and also a "fill in" contact form on the home page that I get an immediate notification from.
That's a good point. I have tried adjusting the "green computer" image a number of times to include the phone number but couldn't find a way of doing it eloquently. When I get around to getting a good photo I plan to get a close up of the logo on the car. I hope this'll be a good way of getting the number on there prominently.

Thank you for the advice so far. Be sure to keep it coming.
I've made a few changes now to font size and changed the main image. I was worried that the blue would throw it off, or that the repeated logo would look daft. At the minute I think I'm used to it. How does it strike your eyes when you first look at it lads? Critique would be very much appreciated.
I like it. However it would be more professional to have a land line as your main contact telephone number rather than a mobile.

You can always add call forwarding to your land line to your mobile, if you are on site, so you don't miss any calls.
Much easier to read, but it looks like the cloud backup and blog are still the smaller font size.
Spot on, I'm not sure why I missed the cloud backup page earlier. I'll have to work out a way to get the font bigger on the blog previews, though the posts themselves (the couple there are at the minute) are bigger in the mean time at least. Thanks for the help!

Looks perfect, here. The new main logo/picture is terrific!

Many thanks! I'm very happy with the photos, I wish it was my camera!

I like it. However it would be more professional to have a land line as your main contact telephone number rather than a mobile.

You can always add call forwarding to your land line to your mobile, if you are on site, so you don't miss any calls.

It definitely would. I must look into it in future. Thanks for the advice!
Looks good! Just to be picky I would make all the green match. Looks like your logo is using AED279 and your buttons, web blocks are using 80D560. Your logo green isn't quite as bright and loud (more acid green like) which might be easier on the eyes. Other than that, it looks nice and clean, good job!
Thanks very much! You're right there. The other day I had changed the colour of the buttons to be the same as the logo, but unfortunately once it reached the page it didn't look so well at all. I figured I'd leave it (even though it bothers me a little too) so that I wouldn't have to change the logo in other places