Converting Visitors into Customers - Technician Website Review
Converting Visitors into Customers

Converting Visitors into Customers – Technician Website Review


A lot of technicians spend time and money on Google Adwords or SEO, but still find that they aren’t getting any phone calls. The problem is that unless a website is setup to convert a visitor into a customer, that money is being wasted.

In this video I review a forum members website, and point out some small changes he could make to greatly improve conversion rate.




  • Roy Esquibel says:

    I really like your points how to turn your website improve conversion rates. This has help how to set up my website. Good Pointers!

  • Thanks for breaking down such a complex topic so that it’s easy to understand and implement. It looks like I’ve got a little work to do on my own website. Thanks again!

  • Great Video Bryce, I took notes and found my site missing a few key things you mentioned. Homework this weekend, thanks! Lisa

  • Toby Hazlett says:

    Cheers Bryce, Your info is always appreciated. Am in the process of rebuilding my website atm and using your tips here helps us out alot. Cheers mate!

  • Thanks Bryce- thought to myself “I’ll have a quick look at this….”. Two hours later and I’ve been editing my site on the right of the screen, previewing it in the centre and watching your video on the left! Very happy that I didn’t have LOADS of stuff to do but I’ve made around 10 small tweaks and 1 large one (now got a headline!)

    Really great- thanks.

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