Windows 11 Notepad behavior.


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Adelaide, Australia
Does anyone know of a way to stop Windows 11 notepad from opening text documents in separate tabs?
I find it incredibly annoying.

I hate it, I detest it and use notepad all day on my computer and client computers.

I also want to figure out the fix for "show more options" bs.
I hate it, I detest it and use notepad all day on my computer and client computers.

I also want to figure out the fix for "show more options" bs.
I found how to stop the behaviour. Open Notepad and in the top right corner there's a little gear wheel.
Click that and turn on the setting to "Open a new window" instead of "Open content from a previous session."

Another case of "we don't care what you want we are going to force this on you"...sigh...

Also the fix for the R/C context menu from @frase post works a treat without having to download any 3rd party software. ;)
Both of these things are on my "why did they do that?" list, but I leave them since I want to have the ability to see what my clients are seeing. We do a lot of talking-them-through-it stuff, so it's just easier to leave it alone. I've killed 'em on my personal computers, though!

Edit: ...and I'm going to miss Wordpad - I used it all the time for temporary picture/screenshot storage when I have open issues that last long enough that keeping it on the clipboard won't do. It opened faster than Word or Paint.
I love the new notepad, it's a huge upgrade. Though I tend to use VSCode anyway.

The default in the new Notepad that drives me nuts is its insistence to keep what I had there before. Notepad on every launch for me is a clean slate, a bin to hold copy / pasted text. The option to fix this behavior is under the same gear, at the bottom "When Notepad starts". By default it's "Open content from the previous session", the alternative of "open a new window" suites my workflow better.

Another case of "we don't care what you want we are going to force this on you"...sigh...

Everyone should take a step back and think about this statement for a moment.

Software changes, features get added, the future rolls on. Just because a thing has been a certain way for a period of time doesn't mean it will be so forever. Microsoft didn't add additional features to Notepad to annoy people, they did it because they recognized the tool had been outgrown, and the sought to increase its value. The new Notepad has been rather critically well received in most online communities. It's OK to not like it, but thinking Microsoft is "forcing" things is a bit over the top. They are doing what they were paid to do, improve and maintain their OS. You're free to not like the decisions made, and we have configuration options to deal with these concerns. But we're in IT, keeping up with these changes is literally our job and complaining about it in these terms isn't terribly productive. Cathartic? Certainly... and I'm just as guilty of this behavior so don't think I'm not preaching to myself too.

Just relax, figure out how to fix it so you can use it, find another tool that fits your workflow better, and log all that away so you can support your clients and yourselves better. It's what we do.
Everyone should take a step back and think about this statement for a moment.

Thank you. Notepad, in settings, allows you to choose "how you like it." Defaults change over time as technology changes over time, but provided you can change it back (and even sometimes when you can't) it's fine.

There is no way to please all of the people all of the time. I love the new Notepad and find the tab feature one of its biggest assets. Were I to be using it constantly and needing to revisit things I was in the middle of, I'd also really like the new ability to "open where you were when you left off" feature, exactly in keeping with what web browsers allow you to do.

Change is a constant, and it is nowhere more constant than in the world of computing.