Windows 10 Feature Updates - A Public Service Announcement


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Staunton, VA
It's not that I believe that virtually anyone here does not already know what follows. However, now that the latest roll-out for a Windows 10 Feature Update is upon us, there's the inevitable flurry of clients with questions. I'm getting these already, but mostly on user support forums at the moment, as it appears this roll out is moving very slowly. If what follows is helpful, feel free to use it as boilerplate.
The roll-out for the latest Feature Update has commenced. The following is offered as a public service announcement and reminder regarding what to expect under the current paradigm for Feature Updates that’s been in place since Version 1903.

First, and most importantly, it could be months before the latest Feature Update to Windows 10 is offered to you in the Windows Update Pane of Update & Security Settings.

When Microsoft considers your machine suitable for inclusion in an update cohort, you will be presented with a notice in the Windows Update Pane. This notice has consistently been worded as follows, with the only variation being the actual Version number in the opening line:

Feature update to Windows 10, version 2004
The next version of Windows is available with new features and security improvements.
When you're ready for the update, select "Download and install."

This notice is immediately followed by the actual Download and install link which, when activated, does just that. Fully automatic updates are, effectively, a thing of the past. So, watch your Windows Update Pane for this notice. Remember if at least one month from the first day of release has not already passed if you activate it you are consenting to participate in the "shake out cruise" that occurs in the early weeks of each and every feature update.

It is best practice not to force a Feature Update ahead of the time that Microsoft presents it for download and installation in the Windows Update Pane of Update & Security Settings.
The update is loaded with bugs and issues i say wait a few months at least 6 strange though quite a few machines that are not that old are saying it is not compatible.

Known issues
This table offers a summary of current active issues and those issues that have been resolved in the last 30 days.

Table 4
Summary Originating update Status Last updated
DISM might incorrectly report corruption is still present after repair
After running DISM /restorehealth, DISM might incorrectly indicate corruption is still present after repair.

May 28, 2020
03:02 PM PT
Variable refresh rate not working as expected on devices with Intel iGPU
Enabling VRR on affected devices will not enable the VRR for games using Direct X 9.

May 28, 2020
12:36 PM PT
Difficulty connecting to more than one Bluetooth device
Windows 10 devices with certain Realtek drivers might be unable to connect to more than one Bluetooth device.

May 27, 2020
10:07 AM PT
Errors or issues during or after updating devices with Conexant ISST audio drivers
Devices with affected Conexant ISST audio drivers might receive an error or have issues with Windows 10, version 2004.

May 27, 2020
10:07 AM PT
Errors or issues during or after updating devices with certain Conexant audio drivers
Devices with affected Conexant or Synaptics audio drivers might receive a stop error with a blue screen.

May 27, 2020
10:07 AM PT
Issues using ImeMode property to control IME mode for individual text entry fields
Some IMEs for certain langauges might have issues using the ImeMode property with certain apps.

May 27, 2020
10:07 AM PT
Stop error when plugging or unplugging a Thunderbolt dock
Devices using Thunderbolt docks may receive a stop error when plugging in or unplugging the dock

May 27, 2020
10:07 AM PT
Errors or unexpected restarts for some devices using Always On, Always Connected
Devices with more than one Always On, Always Connected capable network adapter might have issues.

May 27, 2020
10:07 AM PT
No mouse input with apps and games using GameInput Redistributable
Affected apps and games using both GameInput Redistributable and Windows 10, version 2004 might lose mouse input.

May 27, 2020
10:07 AM PT
Issues updating or starting up devices when aksfridge.sys or aksdf.sys is present
Devices with apps or drivers using certain versions of aksfridge.sys or aksdf.sys might have issues updating or starting

May 27, 2020
10:07 AM PT
Issue with older drivers for Nvidia display adapters (GPU)
You might have issues if you are using an Nvidia display adapter (GPU) and drivers with a version below 358.00.

I updated one of my 4 personal machines all i use it for is browsing the internet having video, sound, mouse and bluetooth issues i don't recommend customers to update till all issues are sorted out.
Quite a few machines that are not that old are saying it's not compatible because Microsoft has put that temporary block on them because specific hardware issues have been identified. This is a very good thing, and something that would not be possible absent the use of OS health telemetry. It's gone on before, and will be used again, when snags are hit "in the wild" that weren't identified during in-house testing nor via the Windows Insider program.
I'm already bracing myself for the inevitable calls wondering if someone should install the "Two Thousand and Four" update. "It's 2020, how can that be?!? :rolleyes:

There is a certain portion of my client base, mostly senior citizens with very limited experience with computers in general and where any awareness of updates is the same, I expect these calls.

But anyone who has been using Windows 10 since the beginning, or close to it, that does not recognize the YYMM format for Versions, and pronounce accordingly, twenty oh four, in the case of Version 2004, has been living under a rock.
anyone who has been using Windows 10 since the beginning, or close to it, that does not recognize the YYMM format for Versions, and pronounce accordingly, twenty oh four, in the case of Version 2004, has been living under a rock.
I would be surprised if any of my clients knew this. Of course, most of them also have no idea how to manually install updates so I'm not expecting any issues.

99% of my clients don't even know the difference between Windows and Office, let alone that there are different builds of Windows 10.

I think all of us have a portion of our client base that fits that description.

Were mine anywhere near 99% (or even 90%) I'd have been out of this business a long time ago.

The one thing that drives me insane, to this very day, is how many people don't seem to grasp the difference between an e-mail client (regardless of the one they may be using) or webmail (if they're using that rather than, or in addition to, an e-mail client) when you ask them how they get their e-mail. And that's even when you phrase the question with possible answers embedded, e.g., "Do you use an e-mail client like Outlook or Thunderbird to read your e-mail, or do you use webmail in your web browser to get it?" Many seem to have no idea what a web browser is, which is the thing that makes my jaw really scrape on the floor, since they've been using one, usually several different ones, over time for years.
Were mine anywhere near 99% (or even 90%) I'd have been out of this business a long time ago.
Why? Ignorant, computer-illiterate clients are the best. Just like an auto repair shop doesn't want people that *think* they know about cars messing around with them or telling them how to do their job, I don't want to mess with that sh*t either.

I got a call from a guy today that took apart an 2013 21.5" Imac and upgraded the hard drive to an SSD and maxed out the RAM and now it kernel panics randomly. I noped out of that one immediately. Even if I would have been able to sell him a replacement, he's the type of client that would have looked for the cheapest iMac on eBay after he bought it from me and demanded that I price match it.

The best type of client is the one that calls up and says "I don't know what the problem is but I'm dumping it in your lap. Do whatever it takes to get it working again."

They don't try to fix it themselves, or try to find the cheapest place to bring it to, or price shop your quotes, or (worst of all) look for the cheapest piece of sh*t on eBay AFTER they've already bought it from you and think you ripped them off because you aren't able to live on a $10 profit margin.

My clients know how to USE a computer, but they know absolutely nothing about fixing them and have no desire to even try.

"Do you use an e-mail client like Outlook or Thunderbird to read your e-mail, or do you use webmail in your web browser to get it?" Many seem to have no idea what a web browser is, which is the thing that makes my jaw really scrape on the floor, since they've been using one, usually several different ones, over time for years.

That's "tech speak." You just need to ask them what icon they click on to access their email. What it looks like, what color, etc.

Are you sure your clients know about Windows 10 builds? They sound just like mine.