Tha fookin Monkey brain!


Well-Known Member
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Melbourne, Australia
@britech reminded me of a job I was on, so rather than spam his post I will spam here ya igiots!

CHKDSK has warranted more results, customer "You fixed my hdd you are awesome" ME: yea: though the clock is ticking and time has passed; spin the revolver when you next power up. I power down system and walk into the sunset.."Deus Ex Machina" I heard whispers as I walked..away into..fark forgot my phone!

Dont you hate it, you do an awesome job pleasentries your awesome etc...then one thing your fecking phone. So one does the walk back , knock knock yea haa how yea doin havnt seen ya for a while by the way I forgot my phone, do

All good mate come in

Got phone in car .. You have arrived..sigh stfu google.