[SOLVED] Start11 Free Alternative?


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U.P. of Michigan
Solution: best to just stick with Start11 for best experience.

Start11 looks real nice for customizing Windows 11's taskbar.

Are there any awesome, free alternatives?
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The last official release dates from fall of 2020.

Updating of Open Shell has not been particularly active, and the last time I tried using Classic Shell (which can still be downloaded) in Win10 it still worked.

If you want something actively supported look at:

Stardock Start10: Brings back the Windows Start menu

(it does work under Windows 11, too).

I hate these things, but to each their own!
Probably best to stick with Start11. Worth paying for. It's probably the highest quality product available.

Hopefully Microsoft will someday fix the taskbar and let us customize it properly
Sent an email to StarDock asking if there's a special version of Start11 available to PC techs that can be installed on an unlimited amount of machines. A technician's license.

Doubt it.
Hopefully Microsoft will someday fix the taskbar and let us customize it properly

I say the following not to be snarky toward you, but it is snarky: Good luck with that. What you think "proper," I think "insane." Lather, rinse, repeat for God-knows-how-many techs with every bit as many opinions.

My approach is use what is native. Go with the flow.
I'm not at my Win11 machine, but I did see something that suggests that Start11 will be (if it's not already) available in the Microsoft Store. Whether it's free or not, I don't know, but it is worth a look.
Start11 is pretty slick. I am back on Windows 10 and not using it.

I upgraded to Object Dock from the same company and am using Groupy to put all my open windows into a single window with tabs to switch between them. Works so good!