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I'm not seeing anything about Windows fingerprint reader software on this system. My device manager does have the device listed the same as yours though. TouchChip Fingerprint Coprocessor. However, there is no program listing in the start menu or program files to get this thing started.

Nothing about Windows fingerprint management anywhere on this system.

If you have a link for the drivers I'd appreciate it.

What I don't really understand is how this can be listed in the device manager, all drivers up to date, and "this device is working properly" and still not see any option to turn the damned thing on or enter fingerprints.
To find the setup for it, I just hit Start then type "fing" to get the sign-in options. You can also go to the Windows Settings (not Control Panel) and sign-in options are under the Accounts area.

Thinking about it, I may have had to go into somewhere to enable biometric sign in.... But it's supposed to be part of "Windows Hello" and built-in, and a quick bit of looking indicates that the group policy pieces would be for allowing biometric logins on domain PCs, which is probably where I'm remembering it from (domain account on doc tablets, figuring that the alternative is a) massive complaining or b) locked? what is this "locked" of which you speak?)
Well, that option is not available in 'Home Edition' I have displayed, Require sign-in, Password, PIN, Picture Password, Related Settings.

I have no access either, to Group Policy Settings in Windows 10 Home.

So the FPR is not going to work without an upgrade.
I did finally get the fingerprint scanner up and running. Not without a heck of a lot of internet searching. I've been at this since around 9 this morning.

I deleted the device driver and re-booted the machine. It downloaded a driver that indicated that it was WBF Advanced (Windows Biometric Framework. However, the description of the driver indicated further installation was required. The problem is that although the driver is installed there is no associated GUI program to enter fingerprints and thus turn the device 'on'.

After a considerable amount of searching I found a UPEK driver update for the TouchChip Fingerprint Coprocessor (WBF Advanced Mode). This is located in the Microsoft Update Catalog here:

After this is downloaded you can open it and click on enroll.exe and this will open the GUI needed to enroll fingerprints. There is a quirk or a bug using this though. You are able to enroll only one fingerprint at a time. It will not recognize a second fingerprint even if you select the finger to enter. You must close the program and re-open it. It does save and record each of the previous prints you've entered.

After all of my fingerprints were entered, the Sign-In options menu now includes Windows Hello selection. After adding a PIN fingerprint sign in works as it should. Finally.

So if anyone else, or one of your clients is having a problem with a fingerprint scanner after a Windows 10 upgrade this should take care of it.
It must have spent most of its life in a corporate computer bag. There is absolutely no shine on the keys or the trackpad. Of course, both of those items are easily replaced and readily available, but even the rubberized coating is still intact on the corners.