[REQUEST] Refresh Windows 10 Help


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I have a client who has gotten a bug maybe on his pc. Here is what happened.

1. Client admits to clicking on a file on facebook.
2. Soon thereafter, client noticed some icons on his screen missing. These icons were linked to shortcuts such as gmail, yahoo mail, youtube,etc.
3. Now when client clicks on chrome or tries to start another application he gets a prompt for a password. There are no passwords other than his passwords to access gmail, etc.
4. Also windows defender has been disabled.
5. I tried to do a system refresh and it was prompting me for an admin password. The client does not know what this is.

Any suggestions
Windows 10 can be installed so fast that a nuke and pave maybe better. A refresh would do much of that anyway. So what is the point. Image it and blow it away.

Gah I forgot about it being Windows 10. lol. Seriously, back up the data and nuke and pave it with the latest ISO. You should be back up and running within 30 mins.
I tried to do a system refresh
Without seeing it if I were thinking refresh I would be backing up data and do a clean install especially if it has never had one since it was upgraded.

Too much time will end up going in to this to make it cost effective/profitable.
When I tired to do a refresh but it keeps asking for the admin password and he lost it and does not remember it.
Seriously man just back the data up and view it away. It will be a clean install that will get you up and running quickly. You'll be happy and your client well be glad it's working.