Odd battery problem with Asus laptop..

I think this issue may have existed before you replaced the keyboard.
Tough to prove though.

Our Asus laptops were/are the same way. As long as they stayed plugged in at the same place all the time everything showed fine. Once they lost power, were moved or attempt was made to run on battery they got flakey.
Thanks for all the replies. I burned an iso of parted magic, and it seems to have the same problem. the ACHI battery display on the desktop at the top right corner shows nothing. (as in, it can't seem to calculate how much power is in the battery) in the system tray, it shows battery at 100%.

I went to battery info, and it seems to detect the battery, but its not showing any power being used (everything just shows 0.0).

I ordered a new genuine battery, hopefully that solves the problem, but I have a feeling something else is going on.... its odd that everything else works fine as far as I can tell.
Well, the new battery came in, I installed it... still has the exact same problem. I tried clearing the CMOS, and then booting right into Parted magic, but still seems to have the same problem, so as far as I can tell, its hardware related, not software. Still have no idea what could have happened here. I'm going to take apart the laptop entirely and put it back together again to see if I missed something... but I honestly think thats a waste of time. Looks like I may have just bought myself a broken computer.....