[TIP] Most common services provided by Remote support?


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So if i had a tech/pc/computer business, a part of it would probably be Remote support, as i would probably service some older customers who probably wouldn't want to bring it to me, and might not need anything that big done, i don't know, but what i'm wondering is:

What are the most common services provided by remote support?
Besides Virus scans / virus and malware removal
Just that "remote support."
Choosing the right remote support tool is critical because you need to be able to use the device as if you were actually sitting in front of it.
Could be anything software related. As long as they have an internet connection you can work on their computer. Obviously hardware is out of the question. You can’t replace a power supply remotely :p

Some things we do are software installs/uninstalls, email troubleshooting, some printer set ups, server management (adding users/removing users/ resetting passwords...etc) a lot of random help with software: can you show me how to save an excel document as a pdf? I have an extra invoice in quickbooks and I don’t know how to get rid of it? ...etc. setting up and verifying backups, I’d say 85% of problems we have can be solved remotely. Although it usually doesn’t work out like that people still like someone in front of them, insecure, old school tomayto tomahto. Sometimes I like the face to face even when it can be remote because it gives me some face time with the client where we can shoot the stuff and talk about life, kids, yada yada.
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Go see your customers. You're rural. Travel is easy. So many problems can't be resolved remotely. Remote is a last resort and getting the elderly hooked up sometimes is challenging.
Go see your customers. You're rural. Travel is easy. So many problems can't be resolved remotely. Remote is a last resort and getting the elderly hooked up sometimes is challenging.
Not a bad idea at all!
And with the added benefit of building a rapport with your clients that will help to build your business.
Personal service is still very much appreciated in smaller communities.
90% of my remote support is when the user has messed with something and broken something software related.

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Currently, remote support is only offered to my MSP clients. Although that is fixing to change since I am fixing to go multi-state with remote support. I have been testing it in Tennessee and Georgia with good success. Since it doesn't cost me any extra in overhead to do so, why not?
What are the most common services provided by remote support?

The most common thing that I do with Remote Support is not driving to their site. (Okay Sorry my sense of humour) ANYTHING that is not hardware provided they have internet access no one thing more than another. I do use Teamviewer I have been able to remote into computers up in the Pacific Islands, and a lot of other countries around the world in to a lot of places in NZ. I do travel around 600 miles/1000 kms a week on the road
Or help figuring out Word or Excel. Email related is a classic. Like the customer having sorted the emails by name or oldest emails on first...

Or being unable to edit a PDF document.
So if i had a tech/pc/computer business, a part of it would probably be Remote support,

Everyone in the world wants to remote in to your potential customers and they are much better at it. Yes, have it available but play to your strengths. Go onsite - as it sounds like you are the only one in the area that does it. Why compete against the world when you have a monopoly on house calls.
I have no problem getting clients in the US.

Their dollar is strong compared to the Canadian dollar so it allows them to stretch it further.

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