Microsoft denies data breach, theft of 30 million customer accounts

Yeah for once I believe Microsoft. $50k is way too low of a value target for actual data on that scale.

Also, if you've ever laid eyes on Sentinel and had an idea of how that blasted platform is monitored... If you can evade all that? You DESERVE your payday, and if you do... you're not going to be sitting there asking for $50k.
Yeah for once I believe Microsoft. $50k is way too low of a value target for actual data on that scale.

Also, if you've ever laid eyes on Sentinel and had an idea of how that blasted platform is monitored... If you can evade all that? You DESERVE your payday, and if you do... you're not going to be sitting there asking for $50k.
Exactly what i thought when i saw that news. No way is someone going to ask $50k for that. My guess at this stage is that they've probably scraped some previous breaches for any hotmail/outlook/live etc email/password combo and looking for a quick payday
The CIA and/or NSA will buy it in a heartbeat. $50k isn't even a rounding error in their cyber budget. And then they'll mine it and use it for their own exploits.
The CIA and/or NSA will buy it in a heartbeat. $50k isn't even a rounding error in their cyber budget. And then they'll mine it and use it for their own exploits.
You think they need this garbage?

They have full access to the M365 / GSuite platforms as a matter of normal operation! For that matter they have access to the Windows and Mac systems every one of use to post on this forum.
You think they need this garbage?

Nope. Anyone who believes that the top level surveillance arms of government can't get it's hands on whatever it needs, if it needs it, lives in a fantasy world. And this has been true for decades.

And, note, this is entirely separate from the conspiracy fantastacism that insists that each and every one of us is being monitored, closely and individually, all the time by the government. Google and Microsoft both do a much better job of that, because it's to their benefit to do so.

@Sky-Knight, I'm right there with you on this being a false story (not as reported by the reporter, but by the hackers). Data that extensive would be worth a LOT more than $50K, and any data such as this, when obtained, has a very short usable shelf life. If you're going to sell it then it's for very big bucks, very quickly, and, most often, very quietly.

Hacking at that level, when for profit as opposed to creating chaos, is not performative in nature, it's surreptitious before, during, and most importantly, after.
@britechguy The bug bounty for such a breach is worth more than $50k... and that's entirely above water!

Why risk the legal problems associated with admitting to a crime when you can just send in an email to the appropriate system, and get paid with no risk?

This whole situation is just wrong!