Let's hear it for AI


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So we will have two levels of human intellect.
Those that work to make the AI productive and those that use that use the AI to be productive.
The first will grow by using their brains and the latter will become even more dummified by not using theirs.
I would like to know if the geniouses in Silicone Valley will allow themselves and their children to use this.
What the GPS did to using a map (remember those huge pieces of paper all folded up) and following directions the AI will do to the rest of our lives and capabilities.
It's coming and noone will be able to regulate it or control it.
Is it worth it.
(No spell and grammar checker here, maybe I should have used AI)
I think in the end AI will create more problems than advantages. Terminator could become a reality. It is very important that a law be passed that mandates the labeling of artwork that is created with AI. Otherwise creativity will simply degenerate.
Stephen Bartlett did an excellent podcast on this whole issue with Mo Gawdat, ex chief business officer at Google X, a few days ago. Listened to it last night - pretty eye-opening stuff. He’s thought a lot about the future ramifications for humanity. Well worth a watch/listen.
