
I use ubuntu on 2 systems. I dont use kubuntu yet. I have one kde based system and its a gentoo server. But I will be moving one of my ubuntu boxes over to kubuntu when kde 4.1 is out in a couple months.
I thought about installing the new kde onto my recent kubuntu distro but I dont know if its even worth it? Should I wait?
4.0.0 is ok from what I can tell but it is really missing a lot of features. It is for all the people who really cant wait. Im waiting for 4.1 when it has a lot more bug fixes and a lot more polish...
I install Ubuntu - but after the install I install KDE & XFCE - I then use XFCE for everyday use - you should see it on a Intel Due FLY'S!!
But I did install the new KDE - looks nice works OK - but I do not like the new menu system - a person has to go through multiple levels to get to anything

I run Ubuntu 7.10 64bit. Been using it for ah wile it runs really well and I have it so tweaked out and customized its insane. I actually have it look semi like Vista, just because I like the style. I don't have the vista start menu icon though I did at once, I now have a skull and crossbones as my icon, "Danger"....

I have used kubuntu, mythbuntu, ubuntustudio as well. I just really like the clean, crisp and easy custimizablitly of gnome, I did like KDE out of box compared to gnome but once I customize gnome it takes the cake.

I just started using "virtualbox" and have it load XP virtually, really cool adn runs really good. I hardly need to reboot to get to XP anymore, actually dont remember the last time I did. I have this setup on my desktop and laptop.
I am also proud to be using Kubuntu intermixed with MCE, i'm also working with an ubunut LAMP, ive been using K for a little while now and im very happy with it. havent tried out alot of desktop environments but from the ones I have, I like K the best.
