It's always DNS

'd still chase down that darned Comcrud security edge service...
Yep - asked the client to call Comcast and request "long term disabled". Thx for the tip about that. I should chase that down with a few other customers as well...

Edit: That link about the security edge service was updated recently to say the 'long term' thing doesn't work:

April 2023 Update #4

Nope. No luck. Even if "long term" SecurityEdge is disabled, it still turns back on after simply unplugging your comcast box, a power outage, or a firmware update. This is new. Disabling SecurityEdge "long term" used to last through power outages. It doesn't seem to anymore.

June 2023 Update #5

Comcast still thinks SecurityEdge is the bee's knees. "Why would you want to remove the service?" Try getting a new contract without it.
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