How do I find out what model number a Lenovo laptop is?


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Brighton UK
Dear Anyone.

Not really a full-on computer repair guy, just a disabled bloke who loves building 'em and fixing 'em for friends. Got given a Lenovo laptop with a broken screen to fix - but I can't for the life of me see a model number anywhere so I don't know what screen to go for. I know you have to go for the same screen as on the original model otherwise it won't fit!

It's just a black laptop with 'Lenovo' on the lid, nothing helpful like 'Lenovo Project X' (or whatever, made that one up!) Found somewhere that says how to display the model number on the screen - but of course I can't do that because the screen's f - er - not working!

It's got an HDMI slot but it's a pretty old - though nice-looking, so I'd love to get it back working - piece of kit, would it be possible to plug my desktop computer screen into it somehow, just so I could find out the model number so I know what replacement screen to look for, or is there another, better way to do it? Once I've got the screen, I know exactly how to do the replacement, it's just knowing what screen to go for....

Pretty sure the actual computer's working fine, it's just the screen.

All Ideas will be tried.

Yours respectfully

This forum is for Computer Repair Professionals who either own, run or work in an IT support business. We do not offer end user support. A quick search will help you locate forums for do-it-yourself end user support like

@Kitten Kong
Dear GTP.

I'm not an 'end-user', I'm trying to repair someone's laptop. Which makes me a Computer Repairman, no? I just don't charge money usually because I fix computers for people who don't have much in life but could sure use a computer to help them get more out of life - like jobs, opportunities, online friends if they're disabled like me....

Nope, I don't have a fancy shop. But I do have a flat bulging with spare computer parts. Which I use to fix computers for those who really need them. Which makes me a computer repair guy, n'est pas?

Yours respectfully

@GTP's point is this is how we put food on the table, roof over our heads, save for retirement and support our loved ones. All you have to do is go the the landing page,, an it's readily evident what the purpose of this website is. I sincerely doubt your local auto repair or appliance repair shop would tell you how to find a part number.
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Dear Markverhyden.

OK, I've got Asperger's, I'm not getting this. The whole point of joining a forum is, I thought, to find out things you couldn't find out ordinarily. Which is why I joined this one. Heck, if someone asked me about a part number and I happened to know the answer I'd tell them straight out. What's the point of having a technical forum where the other users seem reluctant to answer a technical question? So I went to the main page, clicked on the FORUMS and one of them says, when you mouseover it, 'Share your knowledge with others.' I've enclosed a screenshot.

That's all I'm asking. I'm 'others'. Share your knowledge with me, like the forum requests, no?

Yours respectfully



  • Share your knowledge with others Technibble.jpg
    Share your knowledge with others Technibble.jpg
    47.7 KB · Views: 5
On the reverse of the current screen, will be the model number you need.

@ulrichburke the other members are correct to tag me, I will let you stay as a member, but we are primarily a professional forum, with members who charge a fee for their services to clients.
I’m sorry but I really don’t think he belongs here.

I concur, and others who've had a similar description of their work in the past have been declined for membership. We're either for those who do this job as a living, whether as gig work or a full-time job (as an independent or employed by someone else), or we're not.

We have not historically granted any exceptions. I can see no reason to break that precedent now.
Hi, I don't think this is the right forum for your question. However, you should find all the details in the settings option of your device!