"Green Ribbon/bar of death" on windows Explorer screens! Vista nightmare lives on..


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I recently experienced the issue of when a folder is opened within Windows Explorer and the green loading bar that inches it's way across the screen in the address bar - ultimately locking up the program or the computer. It is a major issue and I have done a good bit of research as to what could be causing it. I've been told that it most often occurs when Windows has to generate thumbnails of pictures or movie files and if one of the multimedia files is corrupted at all or id the codec which runs one of those files is corrupted you will experience this painful loading process which usually ends with Explorer locking up and shutting down or even possibly a BSOD in Win 7 (just had my first one due to this.).

I think I tracked mine to a loose SATA power connection but I can't say for certain. I have heard many different causes and fixes so it seems that there are plenty of people suffering from this. It was supposed to be really bad in Vista RC2 and the problem has been carried over all the way to Win 7 SP1! I would think this would be a major focus point since it cause system wide failure.

If this green ribbon is running forget about copying any files even in another Explorer window and especially across the network via mapped drives or scp of TFTP.

Does anyone know of any good fixes for this?
I recently experienced the issue of when a folder is opened within Windows Explorer and the green loading bar that inches it's way across the screen in the address bar - ultimately locking up the program or the computer. It is a major issue and I have done a good bit of research as to what could be causing it. I've been told that it most often occurs when Windows has to generate thumbnails of pictures or movie files and if one of the multimedia files is corrupted at all or id the codec which runs one of those files is corrupted you will experience this painful loading process which usually ends with Explorer locking up and shutting down or even possibly a BSOD in Win 7 (just had my first one due to this.).

I think I tracked mine to a loose SATA power connection but I can't say for certain. I have heard many different causes and fixes so it seems that there are plenty of people suffering from this. It was supposed to be really bad in Vista RC2 and the problem has been carried over all the way to Win 7 SP1! I would think this would be a major focus point since it cause system wide failure.

If this green ribbon is running forget about copying any files even in another Explorer window and especially across the network via mapped drives or scp of TFTP.

Does anyone know of any good fixes for this?

Anyone know if this is a 32 bit vs 64 bit issue?

I haven't seen this on 64 bit machines, but I have seen it on 32 bit 7 on a 64 bit processor.