Google App Engine feature abused to create unlimited phishing pages


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San Antonio Tx
A newly discovered technique by a researcher shows how Google's App Engine domains can be abused to deliver phishing and malware while remaining undetected by leading enterprise security products.

Google App Engine is a cloud-based service platform for developing and hosting web apps on Google's servers.

While reports of phishing campaigns leveraging enterprise cloud domains are nothing new, what makes Google App Engine infrastructure risky in how the subdomains get generated and paths are routed.

Practically unlimited subdomains for one app
Typically scammers use cloud services to create a malicious app that gets assigned a subdomain. They then host phishing pages there. Or they may use the app as a command-and-control (C2) server to deliver malware payload.

But the URL structures are usually generated in a manner that makes them easy to monitor and block using enterprise security products, should there be a need.

For example, a malicious app hosted on Microsoft Azure services may have a URL structure like:

Therefore, a cybersecurity professional could block traffic to and from this particular app by simply blocking requests to and from this subdomain. This wouldn't prevent communication with the rest of the Microsoft Azure apps that use other subdomains.

It gets a bit more complicated, however, in the case of Google App Engine.

Security researcher Marcel Afrahim demonstrated an intended design of Google App Engine's subdomain generator, which can be abused to use the app infrastructure for malicious purposes, all while remaining undetected.