Chrome & PDF files


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
I believe the latest version of Chrome has made a change in how PDF files are handled. EVEN if you already have another program set as the default to open PDF files, if you download a PDF in Chrome and click on the downloaded file in the box at the lower left of the window, it will come up in Chrome. At least it does for me. I've also noticed that if I try to print that PDF that is opened now in Chrome, it prints at about 300% zoom.

If I use explorer to browse to the download directory (or wherever I've saved the file), and double-click on it there, it opens in the PDF program I've set as the default.

I've checked in chrome settings, and there no longer appears to be a site setting for how to handle PDF files, although that may only exist if Chrome is set as the default PDF handler.

Can other check to see if this behavior is indeed a "chrome" thing, or is it something about my environment? TIA!
Never really noticed before, but I can confirm....I went and set Edge as my default PDF handler. Closed Chrome. Launched Chrome, went to DMV and downloaded a bill of sale, shows in File Explorer with the icon that Edge gives it. Opening in file explorer...opens in Edge. But as you note, if it's on the bottom of Chromes window as a downloaded file, if I open it just pops up in another Chrome tab.

I don't have any Adobe extension in Chrome. My computer is about 2 or 3 weeks old, so pretty fresh, Win10 latest.
@britechguy is correct. It is a setting in Chrome. I had changed this before, but it must have been reset with the latest update - hence the change in behavior. When I looked in site settings, I didn't expand the "Additional Content Settings" section, which is collapsed by default, so I missed it. That's where the "PDF Document Settings" bit is.
Ahh...and there ya go! I haven't looked in years, I stopped having Adobe on my computers years ago since browsers started opening them fine. One less potential exploit to keep updated. I don't create no need for the full Adobe Acrobat either.