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Tech Guide How to Triage a Hard Drive

Great guide.
Thanks for this well written guide....very informative and greatly appreciated!
Very good!
As a newbie tech I find this guide very helpful. Thanks!
Luke, you're everywhere ;)
Good read. Specially like the part where you compare the tech to the data recovery specialist and their different 'angle of attack'.
These instructions are extremely simple to follow and methodical. The author answered a lot of questions and addressed many common scenarios a tech may encounter. Well done.
Awesome info. Well written. Thanks!
Wonderfully compiled and detailed. I've had success using the site and replaced the PCB on failed drives. This is of course not necessarily an easy fix. Thanks again for the post.
Great Info .
Well written. Good info.
Well-written article. Nice work!
Excellent article
Nice explained.
Excellent guide. As PhaZed said, its about knowing when to stop, or not start at all.
Practical and logical approach,
Very concise.
Thanks! Hardest part of data recovery is recognizing when to stop.. or rather, when to start - or not!
Thanks. Simple and to the point.