Building a Good Reputation and Winning More Computer Clients - Technibble

Building a Good Reputation and Winning More Computer Clients


How do you build a good reputation amongst your clients? It’s easy; just do what you say you are going to do. If you say you are going to be at the client’s house by 3:00, be there at 3:00. Keep in contact with your clients, answer the phone and make phone calls, tell them when the PC will be ready and when you will come over.

Believe it or not, most clients don’t care about the price as much as you might think. They obviously don’t want to get ripped off, but in most cases their concern are that they just want it to work and make sure that it doesn’t intrude on them doing business.

There are a lot of companies out there such as the big name brand computers like Compaq, Dell and Hewlett Packard that make big money selling the perception that support is available when the customer needs it. Most computer technicians know that name brand computers are always overpriced and some of them even think that only an idiot would buy one because they can build a faster one for half the price. So why would anyone ever buy a name brand computer? Because of the support available, people are willing to pay much more to have the piece of mind that it will work when they need it.
Be on time and keep in contact.

Be Honest
In the event you run into a computer problem you cannot fix, tell the customer and either help them find someone else or follow up with “I don’t know right now, however I can find out” or “I’m not sure, but let me try..”. Letting things drag on will waste both your time and your clients time and money and if you can take the PC back to base, search the internet for the answer, fix the computer and bring it back you will gain the reputation as a problem solver in the eyes of your customer.

If their PC cannot be repaired cost effectively, let them know even if this means you will get less paid hours. For example, if the PC is an older one which stopped being made years ago, has a damaged motherboard and a replacement one will cost close to the same price as a new computer, let the customer know and they will appreciate the honesty.

The customer may even ask you to organize a new computer for them which you can charge for your time. However, be careful offering a new computer straight after you say that their old one cannot be fixed cost effectively as this sometimes sounds like the shady car mechanic where you bring the car in for a service and he tells you that you need a whole new engine.

Always be honest, upfront and make good on your promises, you will feel better morally and your clients will love you for it.

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