4 Tips to Help You Achieve Your Computer Business Goals - Technibble

4 Tips to Help You Achieve Your Computer Business Goals


Its a new year and I know for some of our readers, 2021 is going to be the year they start their own business. I am sure that even business owners with established businesses have their own resolutions.

This might be gaining more clients, increasing your revenue or perhaps improve your business systems.
The problem with new years resolutions is that most people tend to break them. This is usually because they like the idea having the end-goal, but put nothing in place to actually achieve it.

Here are 4 tips to help you make sure you achieve your business goals this year.

You Cant Do It All

Technicians often have a “super hero syndrome” where we try to do everything ourselves. Its in our nature to figure things out, we are problem solvers but that’s not always good as a business owner. Instead, focus on what you are good at and outsource the rest.

As professionals ourselves, we are usually on the other end of this. Businesses who are great at selling widgets outsource their technical needs to you, this gives them more time to continue being good at selling widgets.

It took a long time for me to “learn to let go”. I used to have the “do everything” mindset but now I have a full time; 40 hours per week employee, a part time employee and a bunch of other contractors for less common tasks like server management, coding, accounting and graphical work. While I am OK at managing servers, OK at coding, OK at accounting and OK at graphics work, I only have a small percentage of the experience that each of my contractors have. I would much rather pay someone to do the task at an expert “100%” level, and get back to what makes me money, than for me to do it at 20% and for me to lose a ton of time.

Its not just about saving time either, some have a direct link to saving me money like my accountant. My accountant knows about all sorts of things I could be taking advantage of that I wouldn’t have known about as a non-tax-professional. Get some help, it costs money but you are likely to make more money by doing so.

Think Smaller & Focus

I am sure all of us have a checklist of things we want to do in 2021, but the problem is that if you work on them all at once, your attention gets too spread out and your mind gets cluttered. Instead, prioritize them in order of importance (What is timely? What is going to make the most difference?) and focus on only that task until its complete. You will have constantly have new tasks and new ideas come your way throughout the year but sometimes it is a good idea to get used to saying “No”. Focusing on too many tasks at once will result in none of them getting finished.

Break Them Down & Plan Backwards

Break the big goals down into smaller tasks you can do each day. I know when you have a big goal for the year its like looking up at a massive brick wall and thinking “Its a lot of work to build a brick wall that big!”. Instead, think about laying a single brick every day and after a while these few bricks will become a massive brick wall.

To create these daily tasks, figure out what you need to do to get to that goal. What “bricks” are required to build that brick wall? Some of these tasks will be larger than others and you can break these down even more, even if its just making a phone call today. Any little step towards the goal each day is still progress.

Set Milestones

Its all well and good to have these goals you want to achieve in 2021, but what happens to a lot of people is you get to December and realize you haven’t achieved your goals for the year. It’s so easy to think of the stuff you are going to do in the future but many people simply don’t get around to doing them. That’s why I like the brick wall analogy because it makes today the day you do something towards that goal.
“Today I am going to make those phone calls”, “This week I am going to finish this”, “Next week I am going to make a start on this”.
Just start and set deadlines for when they need to be finished. Maybe even tell someone else so you have some accountability

These are the tips I use to get things done and they have served me well. For those of you, whose goals for 2021 include gaining more clients, systemizing their business, or saving money. I would like to help you get started by offering you the opportunity to try out our Technibble Marketing Membership.

  • Harold Fritts says:

    Good stuff Bryce. I think we need to be reminded of the fact we are human and cannot do it all. Goals, milestones, and focus are incredibly important if you are to be a successful business person with a strong business.

  • Dan says:

    The term,”Dont sweat the small things.” Comes to mind.
    It took me years to realize that I was stressing out about some of the things that I couldnt change. That doesnt mean that one should not take care of the customer’s needs. It just means that sometimes you have to sit down and make a game plan around your work load. Dont tackle 10 projects at once hoping to get them all done at one time. This results in headaches, frustration,and the possibility that you will mix up someone elses work with another clients work. I found out that in most cases even if you finish all the projects/repairs at one time. Most of the customers cant pick them up to a week later or sometimes longer. So,again..dont stress the small stuff.

  • JScope says:

    Great article, great advice!

  • CSnyder says:

    This couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I am just now starting up my business and these are some good tips for me to focus on. (As well as the discount on the business start up kit that I was going to buy in the next couple of weeks. Looks like I’ll be buying a bit sooner.)

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