XP to Win 8.1 only need key, will this work?

I just thought purchasing just a Win 8.1 home premium key without a image or dvd was possible, Not finding it though.
thanks, I saw that but the reviewer says its a upgrade, more confusion.
Only if you believe reviewers over the seller of the product. Note that everyone that is griping is doing so because they can't download a windows program except on a windows computer. DUH? Doesn't mean it is a upgrade just that you have to have a windows computer to download the installer. You already have an image so you don't need the installer. The installer is just a tool that lets you build a ISO file or USB flash installer. It is the correct product.
Only if you believe reviewers over the seller of the product. Note that everyone that is griping is doing so because they can't download a windows program except on a windows computer. DUH? Doesn't mean it is a upgrade just that you have to have a windows computer to download the installer. You already have an image so you don't need the installer. The installer is just a tool that lets you build a ISO file or USB flash installer. It is the correct product.
Ok thanks, funny I have done so many reinstalls but never a windows upgrade, guess it's going to stay that way, she's buying new.