Wordpress Question's

WP all in one migration is what I use. It can backup both files and DB to your local PC and upload it again to another host without an issue.
I'm not familiar with those plugins myself.

I'm not sure where you're currently hosting your site, but I am a huge advocate of FlyWheel hosting. They specialize in WordPress and have always gone above and beyond with any tech support I've needed (including free malware removal!). A staging area is built in.

They'll migrate your site from your current host for free, and I think their plans start around $13 p/month, but I'm not certain because I have a bulk plan with 30+ sites.
The only question I have regarding Wordpress... Is why anyone is still using it? Aside from sheer inertia... It's slow, insecure, buggy, and difficult to maintain.

Pick a static stack, you'll wind up with a vastly superior experience for your users, the speed improves everything about the site including the SEO, and you can host it out of an Azure storage blob for pennies. Not to mention can be cached into next week so you're CDN ready.

Nothing you do with Wordpress, or anything like it will compete.
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@Sky-Knight, what is static stack? I am only learning WP as this is what a business I maintain is using. This was migrated from one host by myself to a host I provided, I think too much is what my problem is - over analysing.

I have only used Joomla in the past, if I can work that out WP should not be hard to wrap my head around. Though I have a two week time frame, and juggling everything else.

I think I may go the WP Staging route - I can migrate out then into new domain as I have control over that.
I just don't want to destroy anything or have downtime, I have made a full Updraft backup of original site so am safe.
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@frase I'm using Hugo, it's only one part of what I call a static stack, because there are a near infinite variation of how to get the site generator like Hugo to deploy sites. How you want to revision control the source files, etc.

For my part I'm simply using two scripts out of a SharePoint folder. And I manually upload the static content after being generated. The first script calls the project's local copy of hugo to start the dev site, the other simply builds the site with the local copy of hugo. I have several sites in store, and each version of hugo is potentially breaking... so I can keep the old version with a given site to prevent that break. Best part? No security risk because it's software that runs on my machine only while doing dev work, unlike Wordpress being live all the time.

But if you already have a WP site you're tweaking, it's a ton less work to continue to tweak than it is to start over... what I'm suggesting is a complete redevelopment of the site. But I'm also pointing out that redeveloping will save you money in the long run (HTML only hosting is dirt cheap), and since it helps with rendering speed, make you money too because rendering speed is a primary score in search engines.

Also, you don't need a "Staging site", because Hugo launched with the -S parameter brings up the content in a local web server. So all you need to do to play is make a copy of the source files, and start hugo. As you make changes to the source files, it simply changes what's on your screen. Ready to deploy? Stop the server, run Hugo one last time, and copy the files out of the public folder to the web server.

All of this extra crap in this thread is how you argue with Wordpress to get it to work... how you deal with a terrible product. It's all a huge time sink... and brings be back to my original question. Why are we still using it? Because from my perspective it's simply defective tech, bad in every measure...
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@Sky-Knight thanks for all the info explained. I will look into learning working via Hugo, for now though a due to limited timeframe I am just going to tweak a WP theme I have called Salient.

I have a design in mind, so will put my time into that. I think once I have the theme tweaked, I can do all work required working via another subdomain then transfer it across.