Windows 11 (maybe 10, too) Mouse Accessibility Settings even the sighted may find handy


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Staunton, VA
As we reach, "a certain age," and as screen resolutions increase (packing more into fewer square inches), one of the things that can become very difficult to catch sight of is your mouse pointer. There is actually a set of Accessibility settings related to the mouse that can be really handy to make it much, much easier to spot that pointer.




Let me tell you, using that option that I've got selected (and in the default Lime green fill color, with the theme I'm using) and increasing the pointer size just a smidge makes it so much easier to spot it, quickly.

If you hate playing "figure out where the mouse is" then this is definitely worth a try.

[Note: If a repair install is done on Windows, this setting reverts to default, and must be re-tweaked afterward.]
Another tactic I like using is deploying touch enabled equipment. Lost your cursor? Touch the screen, it's now where your finger was.

Usually I can't find my pointer not so much because my eyes suck, and they certainly do, but because I have 3+ monitors it can get lost on and I'm not sure where I left it!
When dealing with touch enabled devices that is a great trick. I despise touch screens on other than smartphones and tablets with a burning passion, mostly because I invariably activate something when attempting to point something out that I didn't want to.

I routinely disable touchscreens on any touchscreen enabled laptop that I, personally, am going to be using, and I ask my clients whether they'd like the same. Many have no idea this can be disabled, and "stick between reboots," and are very happy to find out it can.
If you hate playing "figure out where the mouse is" then this is definitely worth a try.

[Note: If a repair install is done on Windows, this setting reverts to default, and must be re-tweaked afterward.]
I totally agree with losing the mouse. I haven't been able to determine it but I think MS shrunk down the size of the standard mouse pointer. I have been changing them to black with a 'trailing tail' and customers love it.
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I've been changing the pointer size and color for awhile. Customers love it.

I also change the font size to about 125% to make the fonts easier to read on the desktop and, if doing that makes the internet sites too big, I just control - - until it's a normal size.