Which AP for this Outdoor WiFi application?


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Client is remodeling his home and getting WiFi outside has always been a problem. You can see they have a built in cabana but there is data run to it. Our options either seem to rung a B2B Bridge + AP (which to be honest seems overkill for such a short run). Or attach something to the exterior wall of his primary home and point it towards the pool (see STAR*)

All of his AP's in the home will be U6 Pro's (4 of them) with the exception of 1x U6 In-Wall. This may seem a little overkill but the dead spots in this home are significant. We have to do one run dedicated to his office just to get above 15mbps in there.

Home is 4800sq/f on a 22000 sq/f lot

For the Outdoor Wifi I was thinking one of these attached to the side of the house? Are these even good anymore? They don't make an antenna based U6 AP yet.

Or should I just stick another one of these on the side of his home on a pole?


Nice crib!
I'd take the Mesh 6 over the old rabbit ear Mesh.
The Mesh Pro does have better range than either..esp in on the 2.4 radio..since the Pro has much larger antennas.
but the Mesh 6 is 4x4 MIMO...which is more future proof and performs better, handles more client connections, and if you have to mesh uplink...less impact.

No underground conduit for the cabana? Nothing with strings already in the pipe to pull a few ethernet lines through?

They don't want wireless coverage over by the sun deck area and the pool area? (circled)
Nice crib!
I'd take the Mesh 6 over the old rabbit ear Mesh.
The Mesh Pro does have better range than either..esp in on the 2.4 radio..since the Pro has much larger antennas.
but the Mesh 6 is 4x4 MIMO...which is more future proof and performs better, handles more client connections, and if you have to mesh uplink...less impact.

No underground conduit for the cabana? Nothing with strings already in the pipe to pull a few ethernet lines through?

They don't want wireless coverage over by the sun deck area and the pool area? (circled)
View attachment 15528
Ok ... I'll probably just do a U6 Mesh Pole mount.

Yes he wants internet everywhere but despite living in a 2.5m home the client is unexpectedly cheap.
So the AP on the exterior of the house, the orange asterisk, make sure you have it "stand off" the wall a bit. Having it too close to the wall has a negative impact on performance.

As for the cabana..were you planning on installing that on inside of it? Or on the exterior? Does it have open walls, or big glass windows? If you mount the cabanas AP inside..make sure it can have some form good signal to the house, line of sight if possible.

That size house...and I'm assuming 2x floors...I'd probably be having near a dozen APs if not more on that network. Bet there's a bit of IoT/smart things stuff to too latch on.