Tell me again how Google doesn't spy on me!


Well-Known Member
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Adelaide, Australia
I shared a Netflix account with another person. She used her Yahoo email address to sign up and log in.
At no time did I supply anything other than a "user name" to signify my account.

We decided that since Youtube has a good selection of movies that we can watch for free, we cancelled the Netflix account.
Neither of us sign in to Youtube.

Suddenly - and only a few days later - I'm getting badgered by Netflix to "rethink and take 3 months free" messages on my one and only gmail account.

How and where did Netflix get that email address?
Google of course!
I shared a Netflix account with another person. She used her Yahoo email address to sign up and log in.

I haven't had coffee yet, but I'm confused. If you shared a [presumably pre-existing] Netflix account with someone, that means you gave her your login credentials, right? Did those credentials include your gmail address? If so, and she then proceeded to create her own Netflix account from the same device, then I have no trouble understanding how Netflix linked the two addresses together. That seems more plausible.
Everyone is spying on you. Even Duck Duck Go.

You are the product. Companies have learned how to monetize you.
No, I did not. The only piece of data I had to supply was a user name. Nothing else.

I guess I don't know how Netflix works, then. Maybe if it was on a different device in the same household--so same IP address--it only needed username, but that surprises me.
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Netflix is stopping sharing of accounts.
No they aren't... If they wanted to actually do that they'd reduce a subscribed account to a parent, and children accounts, and enforce proprietary APP MFA on them. So you'd have to have a phone linked to a paid account somewhere to activate a screen somewhere.

They aren't doing that... ergo they have no enforcement engine that will actually work... ergo they aren't stopping the sharing of accounts.

What they're doing is security theater to make people THINK they're doing so, very different things.
I do not work for them so I do not know. It is simply what has been stated.

There i also this,

Netflix 2FA
Now THAT will limit account sharing. MFA that mess means you can't add a new TV without an MFA check, and presumably the TVs would be usable without an MFA check for some length of time. That not only minimizes account theft while also protecting the attached CC details, but it also makes it HIGHLY ANNOYING to not have your own account.

That would actually stop account sharing. And do so in a way that I honestly have a hard time complaining about... because MFA all the things!