Please review my website :) PC Wizard

An IRC channel is a great idea. Might be worth setting one up, if Bryce doesn't mind?
No offense, but how does a website review warrant irc? The way I see it, we're essentially holding your hand to build your website. Nobody else on this forum has had so many posts, reviews, suggestions, etc for their website.
Many of the suggestions you got on the live site are the same suggestions you got about the demos that you showed us in the other thread.

I know I say this every time...but you take this seriously? Why is something as simple as setting up a website such a process? Even after all the suggestions that were made on the original thread, the live site still looks pretty bad and doesn't really take into account anything anyone suggested.

I'm not trying to be a jerk about it, even if it sounds that way....I'm just saying that if you're running your own business, you really need to learn to make some decisions on your own and learn how to present yourself as a real professional instead of some kid with a website that fixes computers for pizza money.
No offense, but how does a website review warrant irc? The way I see it, we're essentially holding your hand to build your website. Nobody else on this forum has had so many posts, reviews, suggestions, etc for their website.
Many of the suggestions you got on the live site are the same suggestions you got about the demos that you showed us in the other thread.

I know I say this every time...but you take this seriously? Why is something as simple as setting up a website such a process? Even after all the suggestions that were made on the original thread, the live site still looks pretty bad and doesn't really take into account anything anyone suggested.

I'm not trying to be a jerk about it, even if it sounds that way....I'm just saying that if you're running your own business, you really need to learn to make some decisions on your own and learn how to present yourself as a real professional instead of some kid with a website that fixes computers for pizza money.

the irc is not for my website, simmy has mentioned it before in another thread and i was replying. yes my site is **** I know that but there is nothing i can do about it so thats why i'm asking for help! I chose a very bad designer and i have to live with it, and i'm asking for advice on sites because I've never ran a business that had a website before so this is all new to me.

I thought technibble was about helping fellow techs get there business off the ground, a community for us all to share our successes and failures...
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I was thinking of just a general IRC chatroom, not specifically for this problem. But now I think about it, that would take away most of the discussion from the forum.
But you've seen websites? You've used the internet?
My main point is this; You've asked for TONS of help, then ignored the help (which is fine!) then came back asking for help again with the same thing...then don't know how to implement the changes suggested?
What do you want us to do? Design your website for you? Then code it? Then put it on a server for you? At what point do you decide to take some initiative for yourself and learn this stuff after it's been suggested to you?
I'm not going for a personal attack or anything, but this seems like a cycle with everything you've asked for help with on the site....people make suggestions to you, you then ask how to implement them, and it's like you want someone to hold your hand to do things business related. It just seems to me that you're not ready to be a business owner. There's no shame in that.... I mean, if you give this kind of impression through a forum, what kind of image do you present to customers and potential customers?
Really, take a step back....look at what you're doing and what you want to do, and make a plan of action on how to get there. Figure out how to look like and BE a professional and do it.
Also, I apologize for how harsh that probably came across. Believe me, I write that with the intention of helping....
But you've seen websites? You've used the internet?
My main point is this; You've asked for TONS of help, then ignored the help (which is fine!) then came back asking for help again with the same thing...then don't know how to implement the changes suggested?
What do you want us to do? Design your website for you? Then code it? Then put it on a server for you? At what point do you decide to take some initiative for yourself and learn this stuff after it's been suggested to you?
I'm not going for a personal attack or anything, but this seems like a cycle with everything you've asked for help with on the site....people make suggestions to you, you then ask how to implement them, and it's like you want someone to hold your hand to do things business related. It just seems to me that you're not ready to be a business owner. There's no shame in that.... I mean, if you give this kind of impression through a forum, what kind of image do you present to customers and potential customers?
Really, take a step back....look at what you're doing and what you want to do, and make a plan of action on how to get there. Figure out how to look like and BE a professional and do it.

Ok first of all i did take your advice on board in the other thread and i did relay the suggestions you all made, the design was better but she didn't input the other changes which people had suggested, communication was only through email although once i had a conversation with her over msn.

Yes i've seen websites but i cant be seen as copying them As i didnt want to go down that road but the design she came up with is now not up to scratch.
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making it clear

Also I know how about how to run a business but when it comes to websites its all new to me, In the past I've created hobby sites which have just been that a hobby but this is my business my livelyhood so I want to ensure i get it right, i dont know alot SEO and how rankings work so thats why i came here for advice on that and on a good design, i suppose my mistake was going for a theme that might be interesting.

Maybe going for a theme site was not a good idea huh ?
Looking again Andy, she appears to have taken a fair amount of text from other sites;

I was reading your Prices page and it sounded very familiar to me.

Our minimum charge is £35.00 which includes up to the first hour of service.
We do not charge a call out fee.

If the job takes longer than an hour, this will be charged on a pro rata basis. (For instance, if a job was to take one and a half hours, you will be charged £52.50)
We do aim to complete most jobs within an hour

If any replacement components are required,
these wil be at an additional cost. Alternatively you can provide these yourself and we will fit them for you.

We accept payment in cash or cheque (with valid guarantee card)

So I googled the last line and it is directly taken from another Bristol computer repair company website! Might be worth changing some of it slightly.
Looking again Andy, she appears to have taken a fair amount of text from other sites;

I was reading your Prices page and it sounded very familiar to me.

So I googled the last line and it is directly taken from another Bristol computer repair company website! Might be worth changing some of it slightly.

ahh ok i'll edit it later, simon if i give you £200 will you do me a site lol ? :p
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Why you wanting to pay someone else when your almost there?

I would be tryin' to get some money back from your original designer if they stole text content from another site..