Panic Screen


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I'm trying to work on a Mac even though I'm a PC guy. I'm getting a panic kernel screen during boot. At the end it says "Panic: We are hanging here..." I thought that was funny and who is we??? Anyways I suspect something is wrong with the HDD in it. I've been trying to run a test on it but can't. Tryed booting to the OS CD to run the Disk repair but the CD is no an option only the HDD is and it also has a "x" on it (this is when I hold down the option key). I've also tryed an external CD Drive to do this and it will not work. I've tryed booting into Single and verbose mode they will not boot. I've booted into the open firmware and tryed to boot to the CD and it just sits there. Anyone else have some options???? Or if I'm doing something wrong.
Reset the PRAM and try booting to the CD again.
Hold down Command-Option-P and R when powering up, hold it until it chimes and then reboots itself.

What model of mac is it?
Does MAC have fsck on it?

From what I've read yes

Reset the PRAM and try booting to the CD again.
Hold down Command-Option-P and R when powering up, hold it until it chimes and then reboots itself.

What model of mac is it?

I'm going to go try that now. No sure of what model it is or what version of OS it has. The CD itself says 2.5. It has a dome base and the monitor comes out of the middle of it and swivles around.
The CD I thought was the OS CD isnt the OS CD ~.~ an overlook on my part. He also says this is the only cd he has. Its a .Mac CD. Is there anytype of bootable CD I can make on a Windows machine (no macs here) that I can boot to and just run some error checking on the HDD??

Hmmm...but if his HDD is bad I'm still going to need the OS CD ~.~
I'm going to go try that now. No sure of what model it is or what version of OS it has. The CD itself says 2.5. It has a dome base and the monitor comes out of the middle of it and swivles around.

That's an iMac G4.
I'm assuming you've never taken one yourself a favor and read the service manual before you dig in.
That's an iMac G4.
I'm assuming you've never taken one yourself a favor and read the service manual before you dig in.

I wasn't planing on taking it apart yet I wan't to test it first. I've read that sometimes running fsck can correct the problem (usualy a file missing, moved or currupt).
Custermer found his OS cd and was able to boot to it and ran the hardware test. It was actually the memory that was causing the problem. Poped a new one in and its running fine.