New Site


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Melbourne Australia
Hi All, i have updated my website and wanted to get some thoughts on it.

For those interested i have switched to Divi Theme for Wordpress and using only Yoast and WP Rocket.
Hosted through Cloudflare for DNS
I also use WHMCS-Bridge to link my billing portal which is

Even running without WP Rocket it was loading pretty well without cache plugin but adding WP Rocket to it made it load under 1 second or just over which i feel is really quick.

Divi is awesome to use and so easy to adjust stuff if your looking for a good theme. It also has a built in form builder and Optin plugin called Bloom - So you can really run on minimum plugins which makes it so good.

i dont have my previous site to show you but i feel this is better.
Well done on the speed. HTTPS is good too.

As for the design, its really busy and I am not sure where to look. What do you want me to do? Think about whether any extra information adds to that. If it doesnt, remove it.

Simplify your message to just two sentences or so, to grab the people who are only going to give you 7 seconds before they go elsewhere.
thanks bryce - i previously did the technibble review and took on board alot of the comments yout had in that review too- so thanks for those tips.

ill try simply as you said. Thanks again
Don't like it at all, even at ??x1024 the main menu is messed up and shifts into the main banner artwork.

I wish I could really break down in detail how to make it look better but there are people in this world that are great with font and spacing but I am not one of those people. You know what im trying to say? its like when you make a business card and it looks like crap and then you take it to a pro and all he does is change the fonts and move things around and suddenly it looks professional.

Edit: What is that called anyway? Typography? If thats it I have no Typography skill.
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ok thanks- i got rid of the drop downs- the drop down items were listed on the main page anyway and probably a distraction to user.
will try simply message next.
This is one reason why I don't use WP. Incompatibility issues can and do take longer to debug. Especially when you have "addons/mods" over lapping original code. Let us know when you get it sorted out.
Id still keep the basics in the navigation menu.

Home - What we do - About Us - Contact Us

Thats pretty much all I want to know when visiting a service site.
Simple is good, but not at the loss of usability.